nute burn or what??help!!!

So plants were growing.good now have burns on them.couldnt judge by other pics wat it is exactly..i believe.its nute burn due to the MG soil can anyone.confirm and tell me wat it is exactly and best cure.for it..also only one plant has grown up to its 5th node. When using same.soil.and.conditions and.lights same water.mist on plants i know now this burns it but don't think seeong how i.never did it.more then.a.couple times and one plant the leaves the new ones are.curling in..



Well-Known Member
Just an observation, along with the tin foil as mentioned above. Those bags suck, they cause all sorts of root problems. And i don't see much perlite in your soil. My guess, along with the tin foil causing hot spots, is that you have a drianage and root problem.
O i thought the foil helped get the light to all parts of the plant better its my first grow... the moisture control miracle grow i tried to flush them yesterday. but think i might have drowned it

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
So should i try to transplant into fox and farm.or just ride it oit and see wat happens
you COULD ride it out, that soil has time released nutes in it, so you lose control. I personally would transplant into something better. Tin foil reflects heat more than light, no good.
Oo.ok so transplant from without killing it would i need to get all the mg soil off before or just most.of it til can kick in

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
you can carefully wash off as much of the MG and then repot into new soil, it may shock it for a minute, but she will bounce back.
like this, just put it into soil instead of hydro
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That was really helpful thanks think i this on my big plant the rest are small barely growing think ill have the best luck with the big one thst is on its 5th node how dry should the soil in pot be before i take it oit bout half way?
Going to transplant tonight hope it works. cuz the big plant has a strong skunk kush smell to it already at the top which i assume its good cuz it was a reggie seed


Well-Known Member
So should i try to transplant into fox and farm.or just ride it oit and see wat happens
As mentioned above, MG is time release. If you can put it in new soil, that would be ideal. Don't forget to add perlite or something for drainage. Get rid of the foil, remember those white project boards we used for science fair projects. Those are great for short term.
Ok kool thanks and yea the foil is gone lol and yea im pick in up some posterboards right now as add the perlite into the new.soil how much should i add im moving a 5 gallon bucket


Well-Known Member
Ok kool thanks and yea the foil is gone lol and yea im pick in up some posterboards right now as add the perlite into the new.soil how much should i add im moving a 5 gallon bucket
I do around %30, have a container to mix in. Add 2 soil to every 1 perlite. 5 gallon might be to big at this stage. The first thing the plant does is figure out the container size. It might take the plant a couple weeks to fill the 5 gallon bucket with roots. I would start with 2-3 gallons max
I do around %30, have a container to mix in. Add 2 soil to every 1 perlite. 5 gallon might be to big at this stage. The first thing the plant does is figure out the container size. It might take the plant a couple weeks to fill the 5 gallon bucket with roots. I would start with 2-3 gallons max

Damn already got the 5 lol well that's why its trial amd.error thanks
Well this will be my first transplant wish it was a soil to differnt soil one..when.i wash the roots should i use a tap water or stilled water? Cold.or room.temp?


Well-Known Member
Well this will be my first transplant wish it was a soil to differnt soil one..when.i wash the roots should i use a tap water or stilled water? Cold.or room.temp?
These are good questions, I have never had to wash roots before. My educated guess would be just plane tap water will be fine. Cold but not too cold.