Nute Burn or Lights too Close?


Active Member
hey guys..i went home for christmas break early..purposely overwatered my plants for the time i wouldnt be here..

i use B.C grow
Flora Micro

all the nutes that i put in the solution are the same proportionally to what i normally use, i just watered extra for the time i wouldnt be here.

I have returned to find my plants a little droopy..(i htink thats from the overwatering) but they have these light orangy spots on them and im not sure if its from nute burn or the lights being too close.
The interesting part about the spots is they are only on the older fan leaves towards the bottom of the plant..all the new growth in between nodes and out of the top of the plant is fresh lush green with no signs of stress..imma post a few pics..

any helps appreciated..thanks





Well-Known Member
It probably was from the extra water... You never know really... If the plants new growth is fine than you really shouldn’t worry, but sometimes after a little time the new growth will develop the same defect that you are experiencing. I had this happen to a mother once. She started to develop orange spots and from what I had read online it tends to be an ozone deficiency, but again she died from it, and I never did figure it out. Let her dry up a bit don’t flush less it gets worse.


Active Member
if it is the bottom leaves and not the top then it cant be light burn. That wouldn't make any sense. Unless you are misting them in direct light.


Active Member
It probably was from the extra water... You never know really... If the plants new growth is fine than you really shouldn’t worry, but sometimes after a little time the new growth will develop the same defect that you are experiencing. I had this happen to a mother once. She started to develop orange spots and from what I had read online it tends to be an ozone deficiency, but again she died from it, and I never did figure it out. Let her dry up a bit don’t flush less it gets worse.
really..thank you..i will read up on this ozone could also be the fact that my plants are tolerant of nutrients proportionalyt to what i give them, but i purposely overwatered them, and i think i did alittle too much resulting in light nute burn, not sure..ill figure it out, thanks man


Well-Known Member
doesnt look like nute burn or heat stress-plants look a bit light green-if anything I would say deficiency-looks like Ca


Well-Known Member
it is cheaper and more effecient to use fine dolomite lime added to the top layer of your soil. this not only helps buffer your ph but also provides extra ca and mg. it is recommended for most soil grows. your issue seems to be in the very begining stages and I wouldnt add anything to her other than the lime for now. this sympton needs to be properly diagnosed as that spotting is not too significant of any particular deficiency right now


Well-Known Member
how old r these plants? I mean that spotting could be nute burn from when you overwater them, but judging by the overal light green of the plants I would probably say that wasnt it. usually with nute burn, the leaf will turn a dark green first and/or the tips will be affected first and work its way back or have diff patches of dead leaf tissue. with those nutes you are giving, calcium deficiency can prob be ruled out.
the other issue it could be is nute lockout from off ph. are you testing your ph and if so what are you running?


Active Member

should i get somethjin like cal-mag to supplement the soil
what is the soil's PH level?

what nutes are you using, and what is your feeding schedule?

Looks like mag or cal deficiency to me... but could also just be from the PH being at a level where the roots can't absorb the appropriate levels of nutrients.


Active Member
how old r these plants? I mean that spotting could be nute burn from when you overwater them, but judging by the overal light green of the plants I would probably say that wasnt it. usually with nute burn, the leaf will turn a dark green first and/or the tips will be affected first and work its way back or have diff patches of dead leaf tissue. with those nutes you are giving, calcium deficiency can prob be ruled out.
the other issue it could be is nute lockout from off ph. are you testing your ph and if so what are you running?
hmm..i was acutally just reading through a bunch of forums in the problems section..i think you could be right with the deficiency of calcium and/or magnesium..i just read a few problem threads and read something about nutrient lockout..can you explain nutrient lockout and how i would fix it..flush the soil maybe? and grab some dolomite lime


Active Member
how old r these plants? I mean that spotting could be nute burn from when you overwater them, but judging by the overal light green of the plants I would probably say that wasnt it. usually with nute burn, the leaf will turn a dark green first and/or the tips will be affected first and work its way back or have diff patches of dead leaf tissue. with those nutes you are giving, calcium deficiency can prob be ruled out.
the other issue it could be is nute lockout from off ph. are you testing your ph and if so what are you running?
and no i havent tested the ph..low ph (acidic) causes nutrient lockout?


Active Member
what is the soil's PH level?

what nutes are you using, and what is your feeding schedule?

Looks like mag or cal deficiency to me... but could also just be from the PH being at a level where the roots can't absorb the appropriate levels of nutrients.
havent tested the ph..

i use B.C Grow.. 2 teaspoons/gal
GH FloraMicro 1-1.5 teaspoons/gal
Superthrive - 2 drops/ gal

i started feeding every other watering with the nutes
before i left i fed them with a full blast of nutes and a half gal/water


Well-Known Member
off balance ph can create nute lockout, although it is not always as easy as it sounds unless you have a major diff in ph-like for soil you want around 6.5-7.0-you would have to be around 5-5.5 to get lockout. if youclick on that link I posted, it breaks down for every nute at what levels lockouts can happen. in general with growing, soil or hydro, ph is prob THE most important factor in proper nutrient uptake. you can pick up a cheap aquarium tester from walmart with up and down for around 15.00. than ph your water proerply after adding nutes and also grab some runoff water and test tthat as well. You will prob find your ph is lower than 6 which could be causing the problem. your plants look good overall, just you want to keep on top of this. the lime will help alot. post some new pics in a day or so to see if the deficiency has progressed and if those spots continue to rust and cause the leaf to die. pm me with them if you want.


Well-Known Member
before you flush, I would suggest you ph your water and the runoff to isolate the problem. if it is nute lockout from off balancedph, than yes flushing will help. normal is 3 times the volume of your pot. but if you have timed released nutes in your soil, flushing may not be the best bet. need to distinguish between nute burn and a deficiency-time will tell


Active Member
off balance ph can create nute lockout, although it is not always as easy as it sounds unless you have a major diff in ph-like for soil you want around 6.5-7.0-you would have to be around 5-5.5 to get lockout. if youclick on that link I posted, it breaks down for every nute at what levels lockouts can happen. in general with growing, soil or hydro, ph is prob THE most important factor in proper nutrient uptake. you can pick up a cheap aquarium tester from walmart with up and down for around 15.00. than ph your water proerply after adding nutes and also grab some runoff water and test tthat as well. You will prob find your ph is lower than 6 which could be causing the problem. your plants look good overall, just you want to keep on top of this. the lime will help alot. post some new pics in a day or so to see if the deficiency has progressed and if those spots continue to rust and cause the leaf to die. pm me with them if you want.
ok thanks alot man, i really appreciate that.. since the soil is pretty moist after it absorbs that water, a few days from now should i start flushing with p.h water to avoid nutrient lockout in the future..p.s i have a fishtank and a tester, with drops, but i need to know the p.h of the addition i also have a brita filter on a pitcher which i use as the water to mix with my ferts..i always mix the micro first to avoid lockout and then the bc grow, lastly a few days after the soil dries up and i have an opportunity to buy dolomite lime, ill pm you with those pics..thanks




Well-Known Member
u sure about the mixture. my shit says macro first than micro, specifically. something to look into. for testing the soil ph, collecting some runoff will accomplish this enough. what I would do is when you are ready to flush, grab the first bit of runoff and test that to see if we are correct in assuming the ph is low. after you flush, it is important to finalize the procedure with a nute feed at half of whatever you are using now and than regular next watering time. you dont want them getting all pissy by not having food. so flush, test intial runoff, finish flush, feed with 1/2, next time feed with reg, than water, water, feed. just do your best not to overwater after the flush. your plants may droop a bit for a day but dont freak out. and dont cut off those leaves until they are dead and withered as even if the syptoms stop, those leaves will contiue to worsen and you can see what gives. your new growth you said was fine, the spotting is faint and not too rapidly deteriorating so this is just preventative maint.


Active Member

i finally got a ph tester for hte soil that does moisture/ph/and light

your right the ph was awful low 5-6 range.. i decided in lieu of things, why not just convert them to mini hempy buckets with perlite and adequate drainage+ ph neutral material

check it out..

only nutes i threw in was a drop of superthrive to help the plants transition..other than that i have been flushing with regular water..i also trimmed a few of the first fan leaves on both plants..both of which were affected by whatever that deficiency well see between the flushing and pruning whether it continues to be a problem

