Nute burn or another issue at hand?

once you get it straightened out don't use any more bottled nuts.Get the soil active again and don't water to run off keep the good stuff in the soil, in the soil.Big bloom 1/2 strength will work get some worm castings to top dress the soil with or dr. earth to top dress with also a top dress with it will last 2 months and no risk of funky things happening only after you figure this out,or when you start next grow.good luck
once you get it straightened out don't use any more bottled nuts.Get the soil active again and don't water to run off keep the good stuff in the soil, in the soil.Big bloom 1/2 strength will work get some worm castings to top dress the soil with or dr. earth to top dress with also a top dress with it will last 2 months and no risk of funky things happening only after you figure this out,or when you start next grow.good luck
Right on I will look into topdressing nutes, did think about going that route but it jumped out of my mind when shopping. I do have some EWC I have been debating on topdressing with. How much would you recommend?

I've heard that silica applied to leaves as foliar spray...will prevent, help control...and may even cure PM. Related to high ph.

Now...not relating to your grow...but something I did recently. I was growing out some freebie seeds that were mostly indica. One of the strains had wide thin leaves that were PM prone. I decided to kill them all. I feel it's important to have genetics that suits your grow space.
I've heard that silica applied to leaves as foliar spray...will prevent, help control...and may even cure PM. Related to high ph.

Now...not relating to your grow...but something I did recently. I was growing out some freebie seeds that were mostly indica. One of the strains had wide thin leaves that were PM prone. I decided to kill them all. I feel it's important to have genetics that suits your grow space.
AH fuck youre totally right, i have read that about the silica. Maybe I will give a spray with the Armor SI. Thanks again for all the info buddy. One day these plants will be cruisin haha. All a good learning experience!
Right on I will look into topdressing nutes, did think about going that route but it jumped out of my mind when shopping. I do have some EWC I have been debating on topdressing with. How much would you recommend?
I got lazy and quit building my own soil and just use happy frog when the plants are about 4 weeks from breaking soil I make a tea with 1 pound worm castings 1/3 cup molasses 6 tablespoons dr earth 4-4-4 12 tablespoons dr earth flower girl mix it in 5 gallons of water let it sit for 36 hours stirring occasionally then water plants good at full strength you can also use it as foliar spray as well.about a month later a little top dress with flower girl and im done. you can continue to use 1/2 strength big bloom and top dress with worm castings and experiament and see what works best for you but by keeping it organic its hard to screw it up.I'm not the brightest bulb in the batch so I try to keep it simple.
@madvillian420 Good to know, ill throw them in soon!

@old buzzard thanks for the reply. I have the ewc and molasses, i will look into the the dr earth. When would you suggest to add grow big to the feeding, Ive got the trio and from how their charts have it i should have been adding both for a couple weeks now haha.
I wouldn't use grow big only big bloom from fox farms you can keep the other stuff.honestly the soil you used you could do an entire grow and not use anything and get by.although I would add at least top dressing.get that thing you got going on now figured out though.
Ahh is that right. Good to know. Thanks for the help. Hope to get it all figured out soon. Missing the pretty green colors flush across them all!
Just follow the fox farm feeding schedule first two weeks of seedling nothing. Ocean forest is already mixed with the right amount to get you going for the plants first two to three weeks of life. Follow the fox farm schedule and marijuana plants love seaweed extract 3ML per gallon RO water or distilled if you want 1.5ml to 1litter of RO distilled water for foliage spray liquid seaweed. And ocean forest you don't need calmag or what ever else your using unless one is a micro and remember your microbes always gets mixed first. And bring your humidity to about 45% to 50% the more humid the more the leafs will drink and look funky the less humid the more your root drink = it out so they both drink and you'll have a healthy crop chief.
Just follow the fox farm feeding schedule first two weeks of seedling nothing. Ocean forest is already mixed with the right amount to get you going for the plants first two to three weeks of life. Follow the fox farm schedule and marijuana plants love seaweed extract 3ML per gallon RO water or distilled if you want 1.5ml to 1litter of RO distilled water for foliage spray liquid seaweed. And ocean forest you don't need calmag or what ever else your using unless one is a micro and remember your microbes always gets mixed first. And bring your humidity to about 45% to 50% the more humid the more the leafs will drink and look funky the less humid the more your root drink = it out so they both drink and you'll have a healthy crop chief.
So feed them the first two weeks or let the soil feed them those weeks?

Also multiple people at the grow shop and a former grower friend of mine told me to make sure to use cal mag because of the water where im at is very low in those things. Havnt had anyone tell me not to use it yet!

So always mix the seaweed first? Been feeling my humidity is on the lower side but also fighting a small powder mildew problem so trying not to raise it too much but i will look into that. Ive got a ton of airflow but saw some signs of PM on a stem last night. wiped off and sprayed down with armor si.
Also multiple people at the grow shop and a former grower friend of mine told me to make sure to use cal mag because of the water where im at is very low in those things. Havnt had anyone tell me not to use it yet!

Your soil plus your FF nutes probably have enough Ca and Mg. I doubt you would see much change if you stop using it.
Your soil plus your FF nutes probably have enough Ca and Mg. I doubt you would see much change if you stop using it.
Noted! Thanks. Not able to check them for another 7ish hours but ill be checking them out tonight.. not that i expect any progress yet but you never know!