Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

george xxx

Active Member
Distilled water has 0 nutrients. Plants starve when given nothing but distilled water. Besides the Epsom salt you need to get a balanced feed started 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 before you go into flower. If you do not correct nute problems and get it growing green before you flower the plant will really suffer.
I will definitely start giving nutes again since its not nute burn!!! i use Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom their whole feeding schedule is confusing as shit.
So yesterday i gave my plant some SuperThrive for the 1st time.. Looks like it helped out a little bit already... Pruned some off the Dead Leaves!!!! Would love some advice on feeding with Advanced Nutrients Micro Grow and Bloom


Well-Known Member
do you feed it a nutrient with potassium? if not, then that is the reason for your purple/red stems. you would opt to get a good vegetative nutrient. best choice 4 u is a balanced one like 5-5-5
Really confused on what I should do... i KEEP GETTING CONTRADICTING ADVICE..People are telling me NuteBurn..Some are saying my plant is just deficent...And others are saying that my salt buildup is probably high because of my soil, and that i should flush and only give water!!! Please Help me figure out what's wrong... I desperately want to put my girl into flower because im limited on space...HELP!!!


do you feed it a nutrient with potassium? if not, then that is the reason for your purple/red stems. you would opt to get a good vegetative nutrient. best choice 4 u is a balanced one like 5-5-5
I use Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom so yes i have Potassium in my nutes... But my feeding schedule is out of whack... Once i was told i had Nuteburn i didnt feed for a im hearing i might be locked out due to the soil i used...just dont know what should be the next step i take??


Well-Known Member
well if your using those then it's not deficient. might be burnt, unless your pH is off. wacked out pH can cause nutrient lockout... my guess is nute burn. it seems like plants do better when you give small doses of nutrients. my room mate gives hers a 1/4th strength solution once every other watering, good luck man. it's not even that bad but it is good to prevent insted of cure
I believe it may be from a high salt build up in my soil since i used Miracle Grow =\ I'm going to flush it and see if that Helps... I dont want to lose my girl!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, its the miracle gro. shit man youre not gonna wanna hear this but your buds will be very skimpy at harvest. this just happened to me. i have buds but theyre just sooo skimpy and it's a sativa:-|


Well-Known Member
just chill out,some strains have purple,totally normal,remember,less is was a mag def. u sprayed with will look better in a few aplant not force feed mother nature.she will tell u when she is hungry.u r doing good for first time.less is more .one luv bro'''''