Number 216's Journal #1- Bagseed Hell


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Hey, everyone. Welcome to my very first journal. I will try to be as detailed as I can, but you are always welcome to give your opinion. This journal will document me experimenting with some bagseed I have saved up over the last few weeks. They seem to be in good condition, but being bagseed, I have no idea on what the genetics are.

Let's get down to business!

bongsmilie SETUP

I used a vanity from Home Depot without the sinktop. Used plywood to cover the hole in the top and in the back. Dimensions are 24" Width x 18" Depth x 31" Height. To keep up to date on modifications done to the box itself, feel free to visit my thread

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For lighting, I have decided to go with CFLS. I have three 14W, two 30W and a 68W. They are all 5000k, but I will be gettin two 30W and a 68W in 2700k for flowering. To power the lights, I have a 6-outlet power strip inside the box. What I like about this setup is that because of all the socket extensions I have, I can pretty much position the lights in any way I need so I can spread the light to all the seedlings.

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:leaf:Medium and Nutes:leaf:
For my growing medium, I decided to go with Scotts Premium Potting Soil. The home depot over here doesnt have too many soils to choose from. It was either this or Miracle Gro Moisture Control, and most of the stuff I have read tells me to stay away from Miracle Gro soil, so I went with Scotts. For nutrients, I have this blue powder plant food I got from my mom. It is 30-10-10. I have no idea what brand it is, but I will be using these after the first 3 weeks starting with 1/4 strenght.




Active Member
I started this thread a little bit late due to some internet problems. Because of this I am gonna catch you guys up on the plant's progress since it sprouted.


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When I was germinating the seeds, the one seed that popped from that batch had a pretty long root tip. Because of this, when I planted it, I left the seedling head sticking out of the soil which I am gueessing is what made it grow so fast. Within less than 24 hours it was looking like this. The cotyledons are still kinda closed because when I took the picture they had just shedded the seed shell. I misted the seedling and put a plastic bag around the pot.

DAY 2-4
For days 2 through 4, I was away for the weekend. I left the plant very well watered and at this point I had removed the plastic bag due to how close it was to the lights.


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This is what I came home to on day 5. The first set of leaves seems to have almost doubled in size from when I left on day 2. One of the cotyledons has shriveled and died, which I assume is normal. You can see the second set starting to grow. The plant looks healthy, I havnt gotten any bad vibes from her yet. The stem I have noticed has a slight purplish tint to it. My friend said it could be due to heat changes but not to worry too much about it. If any of you have ran into the same issue, then feel free to share your results.


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My baby is looking good and healthy. The second set is growing more and more every day. My friend says that the growth is kinda slow for it being at day 7, but I have this book called Marijuana Buds for Less by SeeMoreBud (AWESOME book!) and according to the book, I would say the growth rate is where it should be. Something else I noticed is that the plant is weak, like it is real easy to move side to side. I looked at the base of the stem and the root tip seems to have grown in a kind of spiral. Tommorow I might just put some extra soil around the stem and pat it down to make it more sturdy. No smell yet. Btw I havnt gotten any replies so I thought I would make it clear. I give everyone permission to post in this journal. Just keep it on-topic. My growbox topic kinda got derailed from growbox to music xD


Looks to be going along nicely with that one! Will follow your progress, I've also just started a mysteryseed grow (the "good" seedbag which should have nicer strains), but only the one so far. The rest are bought seeds, but this one mysterseed seem to have alot more will to get started and seem to show about the same progress as yours is doing. However the bought seeds havent popped up from the rockwool yet..

This is my first grow so I hope I haven't wasted a couple of good seeds. Its exciting tho! :)


Active Member
Best of luck to you, man. I wouldnt say these bagseed are bad. The bud they came from, while being regs, was decent regs at that. Unlike the last batch I had which were BADseeds xD
If you make a journal, let me know and I will sub.


Thanks, you are a few days ahead of me so itll be interesting to see your progress. :) Yeah mine came from a strain that might have been hermie now that I think of it, so this is a gamble seed, but its to be the best/happies so far.
Also considering doing a journal so I can get some second opinions and tips..

Have a nice day


Active Member
DAY 11

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The second set is coming along pretty nice. She is already growing the smaller leaves to form her first fan leaves. The third set is also peeking out in the middle. I am so proud of my babe. But one thing I have noticed is the first set seems to be losing its green color. At this point I havent used any nutes. Only one drop of superthrive in the water gallon I use to water and refill my misting bottle. I will switch to clean water until I can figure out what is causing this. If anyone knows what it could be, please dont hesitate to comment.