nuggs 2016

I think I may steal a teaspoon tonight Nuggs ;) see if it helps me sleep. Craig said it was good.
I am getting all my ducks in a row. Leaving Thurs morning ...woot woot!! I'm hella excited. Can't wait to hold that grandson before he gets too big for me to pick up lol. Son and his wife just put a deposit on a house, so I will get to see that while I am there :) Pretty proud mama right here :D:grin::-D

I will see you manana Nuggs ;) mid-afternoon sometime...just give me a text. I'll be home all day.
Enjoy yourself Fumble, and stay safe out there, G-ma isn't as young as she once was. Nothing like watching your kids grow up and see that they are doing good in life.
Safe travels,
this is strong medicine folks! I'm really liking the long term feel I'm getting from no pills. 21 day's coming up soon.

This makes me so happy for you man. Im so glad it worked out good for you and that we actually took the time out on my trip to meet. It was fate that I would meet you because you were destined to be off the crud. So, So, happy you are getting your life back from the darkness! Much love and good wishes man.