nuggs 2016

That 3 hr window at the top of the high tide is the best for sure dude. Bigger the better of course. That's usually the only time i would go out there and fish. That and the wind:-(Starting at some spots i got down in suisun bay or in my honey hole in broad slough and then once it goes slack, chase that tide all the way up into cache or old sac above isleton for one last chance. Ahhhhh, good times, good times.
I really want to buy a jet sled here soon, or a pontoon party boat. Hard decision. I need both! Jet sled is a must around here, but i have lots of fun flossing/bankin it for the salmon. Would be killer to have another aluminum boat though. Pontoon for trolling(if I stick around this fucked up county) for them kings that are back in lake oroville. Shit, lime saddle is 10 min from my house:hump: party all the time on that thing, while slow trolling. :blsmoke:
we got a jet sled and ski boat. dad just sold the 2 pontoon boats.but yea ima fishing fool for sure
That few hour window in my old boat:
Personal best was 13 keepers(sturgeon)during that peak high tide bro. We'll just say Antioch/pitsburgh.
We need to hook up bro
yea still yet to hook into even one sturgeon, but theyre just now getting thick in there. and for sure id pm ya my number but wont let me
@TWS nice fish, and nice edit on that last one ;)