nuggs 2016


Well-Known Member
you light depriving them? what went wrong in flower indoors? You getting ready to plant the big planter already? Hope your well buddy! :-) Maybe try to come visit during harvest season and help you trim. Im a good trimmer. LOL The plants look happy though man!
they are on full sun now. trying to let them flower without taking them in and out at night or covering. the ones that have buds were in my garage and the plastic wall i built between the flower and veg didnt hold up and i need to add a/c . I can't believe how hot the gavita lights run. the large planters are for full season plants. I'm going to sit down and decide what beans I am going with. happy to have a trimmer for sure. I'm buying a trim pal this year. those plants look sick bro.. they are scraggly mothers that need a trim and a restart. thanks tho! lol