nuggs 2016

Thanks JD ! I been doing spoonfulls of someguy's medicine the past week or so. Getting past the pain of shoulder surgery, It's been real sore this time. Good stuff ! I'm not taking any pain pills so that's great!

so glad to hear your not on pills for pain :) i know that can be tough ! you should consider cracking those "bodhi seeds gooey medicine" seeds i gave you :) they are good meds for pain and the coco canna oil as well ...
they have us cut back to 100 sg ft per script 5 script limit for medical mj

anything over 100 sg ft actually 500 sq ft is comercial and license are required. there are 17 different kinds of licenses.
17 different ones,wtf,how are they gonna keep track of what.sign up for all,keep them confused