nuggs 2016

I'm excited bro these dog are suppose to be smart.
Super smart. One of my land lords had one. Big Ole male like your pups dad. She was always like it's so friendly. But it still intimidated me. Big strong dog. I think the Japanese use them for police work. Great choice bro. We almost went that route for a pup. Sometimes sorry I didnt. Can't wait to see both you new pups grow together.
Super smart. One of my land lords had one. Big Ole male like your pups dad. She was always like it's so friendly. But it still intimidated me. Big strong dog. I think the Japanese use them for police work. Great choice bro. We almost went that route for a pup. Sometimes sorry I didnt. Can't wait to see both you new pups grow together.
My Peyton was sooo smart. If this dog is half the dog she was I'll be happy.