Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

Just happened onto this thread this morning,lucky find for me.I'll set up a battle zone to prevent the russet mite I knew nothing about until reading your thread nuggs.

We been fighting the old 2 spotted borg here inside for awhile,had the hot shots hangin(not sure they worked 100% tho?)but it slow em down some.Than I sprayed sns217 and that turns the eggs tan as if they are cooked.after about 5 days we added predator mites,some of them died next to the dead 2 spot,I'm thinking the sns217 residue killed them,but the predator on other non sprayed plants we gaining up on the 2 spot and eating them up.
i cleaned everthing with bleach (a 4x4 tent) and turned off vent and air scrubber and put 2 no pest strips came back a week later.aired everything out and put in new plants i have not had an issue and i only have another two week till harvest and i have been watching them like a hawk.
The information he is posting is for me and anyone else that can understand what and why he is posting it. I've been researching this for about a year now. everyday I research to find the answers that mikey has found for me. this is a cannabis forum and the bugs have gotten a major % of my grow the past 2 years. He is arrogant to someone who doesn't understand why he is digging so hard and deep to learn how to eradicate these insects from our grows. you can take it as you wish but. I think you would be a lot more perceptive to what he is writing about if you were infested with these insects. what he posts is correct information . He was raised in a environment where family and schooling has studied these and other insects for a living.

After what he has posted these past few months and the count less hours of phone conversations I feel comfortable with my medical grow for the season coming up . I think I can control my area and what to do if I do get infested. Instead of spraying one thing after another as suggested by everyone that has a grow store.
so this is a fact. these insects go much deeper than washing ones hands and the theory of them being spread by a club selling insects in their products. I do appreciate you voicing your opinion and it helped to get some important information posted that I was looking for over the past year.

You can have all the knowledge in the world and still be an idiot based on how you present yourself.
Good find Joe ! Plenty to choose from for sure. Don't know why I couldn't find that link. Fucking hillbilly pot grower:smile:.
I might order some of that shit to spray around my house. I've sprayed avid all around my area tree's bushes fences the green house boxes everywhere. I'm done with the heavy sprays. Now it's DE and lots of it. Plus I'm going to use azamax until flower. I might kick it up a notch and use bonite eight in veg.
The information he is posting is for me and anyone else that can understand what and why he is posting it. I've been researching this for about a year now. everyday I research to find the answers that mikey has found for me. this is a cannabis forum and the bugs have gotten a major % of my grow the past 2 years. He is arrogant to someone who doesn't understand why he is digging so hard and deep to learn how to eradicate these insects from our grows. you can take it as you wish but. I think you would be a lot more perceptive to what he is writing about if you were infested with these insects. what he posts is correct information . He was raised in a environment where family and schooling has studied these and other insects for a living.

After what he has posted these past few months and the count less hours of phone conversations I feel comfortable with my medical grow for the season coming up . I think I can control my area and what to do if I do get infested. Instead of spraying one thing after another as suggested by everyone that has a grow store.
so this is a fact. these insects go much deeper than washing ones hands and the theory of them being spread by a club selling insects in their products. I do appreciate you voicing your opinion and it helped to get some important information posted that I was looking for over the past year.
When ppl are passionate about something they believe that works or is working thats ok with me ...
I have always used azamax, its expensive but has wiped out any and all predators above soil in my case. I dont have any experience with other brands since it has done so well in the past. But a sprayer/fogger to get it applied, oooohhh boiy that sounds awesomesauce!!!! DE is good as a perimeter for any garden.
I have always used azamax, its expensive but has wiped out any and all predators above soil in my case. I dont have any experience with other brands since it has done so well in the past. But a sprayer/fogger to get it applied, oooohhh boiy that sounds awesomesauce!!!! DE is good as a perimeter for any garden.
yes Sir I use azamax too. It's great but it won't do the trick for russet mites. I think the best is to use the predator approach in flower. I tried everything last year it seems. When I finally figured out what I had I was already in flower so I wouldn't spray the forbid on my buds so the russet had it's way. I couldn't stop them. If I would have used forbid in veg it would have stopped them I think. The residual is 30 days with forbid. I'm going to spray dawn non anti bacterial soap a couple times until june. august 1 I'm adding predatory mites. with DE around too.
Just about have everything ready to go for 2015. my clones that I thought had russet again turned out to be only thrip and two spotted mites. I sprayed the with worry free a couple times and it took care of them. haven't found any live bugs in three weeks. It's a .30% pyrethrin product derived from chrysanthemum flowers.IMG_0293.JPG IMG_0291.JPG IMG_0291.JPG IMG_0293.JPG