Nug density and potency

The bud I consumed from the bottom of my jar ( aka cured longer than the bud on the top ) was denser, no doubt about it.
I won't pretend like I know the science behind it, but it most certainly felt denser, harder.

@Southernontariogrower just an advice, don't take me wrong, but maybe you should avoid writing while drunk. Just as one should avoid texting their ex while drunk.. just saying
Hardness does not equal density!

Bud density happens while the plant is growing and developing internally, it increases in mass. Some strains are airy some are dense. If you harvest plants early they often times will end up more airy because the density increases significantly the last few weeks of flower. This density (increased mass) also relate directly to higher yields.

Hardness is not the same as density. Hardness can increase during curing. Especially if the buds were put into the jars early and still with moisture in them. Hardness will come from the moisture evaping and the buds shrinking some. Over time the buds in the jar will all get to be more firm. Hardness at this stage is not a sign of more density(or mass), it’s simply a sign of less moisture.

So to the OP. If you want to increase density, you need to:

Improve genetics
Improve environmental conditions to grow a healthy plant
Let that healthy plant completely finish it’s life cycle
Shit got crazy lol buds can dense up during cure as in they are getting harder not as in more weight. I think is how to say that I don't know anymore lol
To increase density of buds while curing, just squish them, decreasing the volume, thus increasing density. This likely does happen in the bottom of your jar or bag.