

Well-Known Member
Anybody on here ever taken nucynta before aka tapentadol?
Its an opiate pain pain med, doc just prescribed it to me but won't get it for like a week.
How is it when used for severe pain?
How is it when used for severe recreationality?
its not bad. hit up the wiki page? for info
half life aint all that. similar to the more common tramadol, which i do enjoy. but not as awesome..i like the anti depressant effects of tramadol
Yea I read the whole wiki page. Took tram for a cpl years. I really only used it to control my oxy shakes when I was withdrawing real bad. Never noticed anti depressant effects.
At this point I'm really just concerned about pain control.
Thanks qwizo
Stopped by the pharmacy today while out running errands to check on the cash price since insur gonnabe a while to pick it up. Fuck $410 for a one month supply. Yea ddidn't pick it up.
tell your doc you need a cheaper med. a good generic or a widely prescribed one. you can get some for like $10 at walmart.
thats not exactly commonly prescribed.
my Doc wrote me a scrip fot butrans patches because they were non narcotic and blah blah blahi went to fill it and they were $600 somthing a month

my pharmacy called the DR and told her how much cheeper the fentanyl transdermal patches were so I went back and got a new hard copy for the fentanyl 12.5mgh patches

I got back go the pharmacy and then the pharmacist called the Dr and told her it was 3X cheeper for the fentanyl 25mgh patches (I think I was down to $60 by then)

so I had to go back to get another hardcopy what im trying to get at is a GREAT pharmacy is as important as the right Dr to help you get somthing that is going to work for ya and the hometown ones seem to want to help out more then the big box stores

im no longer on them because the 3 day patch only worled for 2 days so I talked to my pharmacist about it and ended up with a new script that is working and im paying $20 a month now
Agreed about the pharmacy. I like mine quite a bit. I seriously have been fighting the medical system and Obama care for two.5 years. Itslike they ddon't believed I'm in pain. And now like two weeks ago they finally do some imaging and whatta know, the hardware holding my back together is all messed up. And now they believe me. Insurance will pick up vikes or perks or fent patches and he puts me on the most expensive name brand out there and here I am fighting again. Ahh
ive never even heard of this. why do doctors even prescribe drugs that arent oxycodone? and fuck the ops why did they have to ruin the ocs they were the best ever and lil wyte takes 3924329mg of oxys a day
Agreed! Stupid weird gel op's. I got the like the very first run of those after my first surgery. I was so pissed. Filed one down forever with a nail file.