NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections


Well-Known Member
Why is Mitt Romney so confident?

In states where the winner will be decided by less than 10% of the vote he already knows he will win. This is no tinfoil hat conspiracy. It’s a maths problem. And mathematics showed changes in actual raw voting data that had no statistical correlation other than programmable computer fraud. This computer fraud resulted in votes being flipped from Democrat to Republican in every federal, senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial election since 2008 (thus far) and in the 2012 primary contests from other Republicans to Mitt Romney.

Sort of like the 96% voter turnout in Milwaukee for the Wisconsin governor's recall election. The Dems pulled out all the stops to steal that election and still failed! LOL

Seriously, think about that: 96%! It sounds like the "turnout" in the old Soviet Union.
So I can touch my phone and without even pressing a button it does "magical" things, but they can't make a fucking voting machine that can add votes properly?

I mean...serioulsly, wtf is the problem?

This is the kind of shit we should be hanging people for. Fuck being civilized, they are stealing our freedom by rigging elections because even if we are electing douche bags into office as long as its honest we are free. Might as well be China and fuck electing people if they are just going to rig it.

I dislike Obama very much, but if the dude won, then thats what the people want and I can't mess with that, and no one else should either.

i for one am opposed to "Electronic Voting Machines" which are more like a video poker game than the electorate's will, since i know how supremely easy it is to change computer data. without even the comic relief of the hanging chad recount fiasco. you cant recount the vote with electronic voting, the number is set by the computer and can be changed by the computer, thus any vote rigging becomes permanent and irrevocable.

likewise the "Early Voting" scams are just a way to help people who cant be bothered to vote on election day, throw their opinion into the ring like it fucking counts. if they cant vote on tuesday they shouldnt get special election days for their useless asses.

i know the left LOVES to "get out the vote" since the uninformed make up the majority of their electorate, but do we have to make it so easy for them? whats next? census style door to door vote collection to ensure every voice counts, no matter how ill informed, unintelligent, or just plain stupid the respondent might be?
That's why voting's retarded. Imagine the laws if everyone voted. The only solution I see is only let those you want to vote.
So I can touch my phone and without even pressing a button it does "magical" things, but they can't make a fucking voting machine that can add votes properly?

I mean...serioulsly, wtf is the problem?

there are many methods used in the past to help prevent ambiguous votes and confusing recounts (like florida in 2000) but each one has the drawback of mechanization separating the voter from their vote.

the old pull handle punchcard voting booths where you flip the levers to your choices and pull the handle resulting in a punched card were quite reliable... provided nobody tampered with the mechanism to gin up votes for their asshole. this happened a LOT, and since its a secret ballot process i cant check to ensure my vote was credited propperly. i have to trust the machine and the election officials to keep shit straight.

back in the late 70's most areas switched to booklet ballots with a manual punch pin. you poke out the holes for your choices and you see what happens so voter confidence was higher.

in 2000 they started counting "dimpled chads", fingerprints, imaginary creases and semen stains as gore votes, while the bush area of the card had to have a .45 caliber bullet hole with lace sewn around the edge and rhinestone embellishments before gore was ruled out on that ballot. it was comical yet gore still lost. if he had his way we would STILL be counting those fucking cards.

thats when the computerized voting machines became the fashionable choice. they were expensive (but in a financial boom who cares) easy to tamper with (but if YOU get to do the tampering why not?) and prone to failure (in politics you fail UP, so failure is to be desired) but suddenly the left is worried that their favorite new toy might not be reliable?


without a physical ballot to examine, the vote is determined by who has the best hackers. and now the left wonders why corporate america can hire better hackers than they can "Occupy Rally" together? corporations like diebold and siemens make those fucking things. if they want to rig them they can build hidden access into the firmware. they dont have to "hack them" they already own the access codes, the software and the hardware. elections boards LEASE the things.

if the left ever starts thinking about the ramifications of their actions america might be better off.

all change is not "Progress"
That's an idea. Voting phone sex. It will revolutionize voting!

I dont follow, lol.

Im also not in favor of electronic voting for the same reasons. The votes need to have hard copies to verify and for incase of the need of a recount. The people counting the votes need to be held to an extremely high level of expectation, and voter fraud should be met with, well, death. Elections are what makes us free and we should consider voter fraud an act of war on our freedom. And no volunteers for vote counting so you cant weasle your way into a position of bullshitting the numbers. Do it more like a jury duty selection, it's not an option and you can't sign up.
That's why voting's retarded. Imagine the laws if everyone voted. The only solution I see is only let those you want to vote.

thats why we have a representative republic. presumably the representatives who do the actual lawmaking will be wiser than the average drunken pub patron.
i for one am opposed to "Electronic Voting Machines" which are more like a video poker game than the electorate's will, since i know how supremely easy it is to change computer data. without even the comic relief of the hanging chad recount fiasco. you cant recount the vote with electronic voting, the number is set by the computer and can be changed by the computer, thus any vote rigging becomes permanent and irrevocable.

likewise the "Early Voting" scams are just a way to help people who cant be bothered to vote on election day, throw their opinion into the ring like it fucking counts. if they cant vote on tuesday they shouldnt get special election days for their useless asses.

i know the left LOVES to "get out the vote" since the uninformed make up the majority of their electorate, but do we have to make it so easy for them? whats next? census style door to door vote collection to ensure every voice counts, no matter how ill informed, unintelligent, or just plain stupid the respondent might be?

Hanging Chad was cool. Dimpled Chad was cute as a baby Bieber. But Swinging Chad, now there was an animal. cn
Guess you forgot about the Roman Republic? Oh the good times. Now those were real parties. They put the owl grove to shame.
[h=2]NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections [/h]

Yeah, they did an outstanding job in 2008, didn't they! LMAO
No spit turds in in this thread? Oh, sorry boys, just checking for those Heidi drops and those that chew the turd.

Carry on. Sorry to bother you.
Guess you forgot about the Roman Republic? Oh the good times. Now those were real parties. They put the owl grove to shame.

the boni vs the gracchi was an awesome lineup. our elections NEVER wind up with riots in the streets and people getting roof tiles thrown at em till their heads just explode with red stuff like the front row of a Gallagher show.

or the marian new men vs the cornelian patricians.

when was the last time our candidates needed bodyguards of gladiators?
My thinking is it was all the leaded wine. They needed stricter regulations back then on additives, like ethanol instead.
My thinking is it was all the leaded wine. They needed stricter regulations back then on additives, like ethanol instead.

the wine was not leaded, it was the water.

roman aquaducts were lined with lead, basically the alcoholics and drunkards were the only ones not crazy with the heavy metals.
Seriously you never heard of leaded wine? The Romans used to heat lead basins with wine in them. The lead would bind to the wine and make it sweet. Only the rich could afford this.