
The National Guard are military, and they can only be called in for excellent cause. The civilian police are much less noticed by the law ... and it isn't hard to suppose why.

Would you oppose a ban on overarming civilian police? cn
Would you oppose a ban on overarming civilian police? cn

little too late for that already, but it would be futile anyway.

the police don't need an arms cache to impose their abuses of the law. the most dangerous metal they own is pinned to their shirts.

Using Twitter tags outside Twitter is pretty gay.

Infact, Twitter is gay in general unless you're 14 and a girl.

Are you one of these "clutches the phone" girls waiting for Lady Gagas next "intellectual Tweet"?

are not amendments.
the bill of rights is infallible. the rights it describes, are inalienable. meaning they are neither given, nor taken by man.
even if-

you and your sissy buddies win this out of your fear of death(hell). it won't matter. the rights can't be taken by man. it's literally unenforceable. if the local police force decides to disarm the populace, it will be a gun fight. ex military and police are spilling the beans on the plan and actually leading the contingency.

the only choice is the first one. inalienable right to bear arms. all else ends in disaster, with your super intellect completely unprepared for "physical" battle. think of how scared your wife will be. likely less than you. women do give birth after all. it's you who is afraid of all pain.
considering that several children survived newtown because lanza had to change magazines, what do you say about the NRA's opposition to limiting high capacity mags?


no one cares about your semantic bickering, i would make an alternative choice about your battles.

LOL you sure aren't the critical thinker type, are you?

Can anyone find the secret word that makes Bucky's link nothing more than a fictional story of hypothetical clap trap?

[h=1]Sandy Hook Shooter's Pause May Have Aided Students' Escape[/h]
Emphasis added for those of you (Bucky) who may not be able to distinguish the secret word.
at least four people have been shot by toddlers since last weekend.

where are the armed, law abiding toddlers to stop this?

gee I wonder if this old mitt romney looking guy from oregon who is the only guy who tweeted this tag on this day and hours before unclebuck made this thread could somehow be a friend of unclebuck?


You know someone named Raoul Duck UncleBuck? Hey that rhymes! You and this guy should be friends, you would totally hit it off I bet!
little too late for that already, but it would be futile anyway.

the police don't need an arms cache to impose their abuses of the law. the most dangerous metal they own is pinned to their shirts.

This is not a sentiment I expected from you.
If you and I agree that the police are currently more corrupt than not .. would it not be simple prudence to seek the erasure of their access to better weapons? This nation was built on a principle of distribution of power. It frustrates the centralizers, slows their consolidation of an authoritarian state from the rot of the Republic. What finer way to jam a broomstick into the spokes of the empire builders than for you and me to have the same standing as a police officer? Why do you think I stress that the police are civilians? I would like to at least slow their being transformed into Your Total Security Solution, one that will ultimately treat dissent as a disease state as Your Total Conformity Solution ... and the best way to do that, and to underline the value of the individual, is to use the Second Amendment as intended. Lots of distributed guns (not disabled by puny magazines, a central registry, chambering limitations etc.) can interfere with and even unmask power grabs swaddled in the camouflage of acts of compassion. Of course, with three of four polled Americans speaking in favor of a national gun registry, I fear the cause is already lost. They've already taken you down, since you declare that you bought the most insidious message of all: guns, ewww. cn
considering that several children survived newtown because lanza had to change magazines, what do you say about the NRA's opposition to limiting high capacity mags?


no one cares about your semantic bickering, i would make an alternative choice about your battles.

Actually larger magazines take longer to reload. You try shoving 30 rounds into a magazine as fast as you can ,its not that easy. They go in a certain way and if you don't do it right the spring will say fuck you.

so shorter clips = shorter reload time = shorter pauses to run away.
Don't you think that most people planning a shooting would preload a sufficiency of magazines? Reloading a mag in "battle" means either poor planning or a large deviation from plan. cn

so why would it matter if they had a smaller clip, they would just bring more of them
Actually according to some after the magazine is empty you have no more, this is obviously the reason they should only allow 1 bullet imo lol, my congresswoman said this so it has to be true, it was on CNN and they are legit.
Don't you think that most people planning a shooting would preload a sufficiency of magazines? Reloading a mag in "battle" means either poor planning or a large deviation from plan. cn
You'd almost be better loading one or two rounds into several magazines than fully reloading one.
Actually larger magazines take longer to reload. You try shoving 30 rounds into a magazine as fast as you can ,its not that easy. They go in a certain way and if you don't do it right the spring will say fuck you.

so shorter clips = shorter reload time = shorter pauses to run away.

that must be why james holmes and adam lanza and jared loughner all chose high capacity magazines to successfully accomplish their massacres.

you heard it here first, folks. less firepower = more deadly.
Because ten is only a step in the trend toward one, then none. Unless you are Privileged. cn


soon they're gonna allow 5 year olds to vote, too.

try more conspiracy theories and emotional appeal, bear. it's very unbecoming of you, which is what i enjoy seeing when we have this debate.