npk ratio help!

Hey guys. What is the best npk ratio to use for veg as well as flowering? I am new to nutes and I don't know anything about the npk ratio itself. I am very anxious to start my grow so please, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
1-1-1 works fine for veg but what is generally preferred among people who know their shiz is 3-1-2.

1-3-2 is best for flowering and in my experience, I absolutely agree. The caveat is that plants have different nutritional needs in flower so the first 3 weeks will be more nitrogen dependent than the last 3. It's more about figuring out what works best for you and your methods.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The ideal nutrient ratios for your plants depend on what plants you grow. Many indicas, for example, create much leafier buds than the average sativa and therefore require more Nitrogen during flowering. Any suggestions you get are just where to start from. Steadily increase fertilizer levels, watching the lowest and oldest leaves for signs of nutrient burn. Every plant should finish flowering with at least the first single-bladed leaves burnt to a crisp. If they finish flowering with no damage to those leaves, you could have given her more fertilizer and could have had larger buds, assuming adequate light.

Nitrogen is mainly used for growing leaves and vegetation. Potassium is the primary nutrient for flower production. Wherever you start your fertilizer regimen from, you generally want more Nitrogen during veg and more Potassium during flowering. For example, a ratio close to 3-2-2 could work well for veg, while 2-2-3 would be better for flowering. You then watch your plants and note any deficiencies, adjusting your fertilizer mix to compensate.

You'll also want to keep an eye on certain micronutrients. Calcium and Magnesium are the most important of these, while Sulfur, Iron and Zinc are also necessary. Many organic fertilizers naturally have the correct levels of micros, which is one of their best qualities.


Well-Known Member
The ideal nutrient ratios for your plants depend on what plants you grow. Many indicas, for example, create much leafier buds than the average sativa and therefore require more Nitrogen during flowering.
That sounds like it would be true but it's not. My leafiest indica does just as well as my lankiest sativa given the exact same ratios. They just feed at slightly different levels.

Steadily increase fertilizer levels, watching the lowest and oldest leaves for signs of nutrient burn. Every plant should finish flowering with at least the first single-bladed leaves burnt to a crisp. If they finish flowering with no damage to those leaves, you could have given her more fertilizer and could have had larger buds, assuming adequate light.
Sorry man but this is just ridiculous. Heavy feeding or pushing plants is not the way to get big flowers and burning entire leaves should be avoided, no matter where they are on the plant.

Potassium is the primary nutrient for flower production.
Not even close. Potassium helps plants overcome drought stress, improves winter hardiness, increases disease resistance, and improves the rigidity of stalks. It's helpful but has nothing to do with flower production.

Phosphorus promotes root formation and growth, affects quality of seed, fruit and flower production and increased disease resistance.

Wherever you start your fertilizer regimen from, you generally want more Nitrogen during veg...

...and more Potassium during flowering.
Nope. High N/low K favors vegetative growth; low N/high K promotes reproductive growth (flower, fruit).

You'll also want to keep an eye on certain micronutrients. Calcium and Magnesium are the most important of these, while Sulfur, Iron and Zinc are also necessary.
Calcium and magnesium are secondary macro nutrients along with sulfur. Zinc and iron are micro nutrients along with eight others. Feeding plants all 16 essential elements will give you the best results.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: I read something wrong above, my apologies.

This was written:
...and more Potassium during flowering.

Nope. High N/low K favors vegetative growth; low N/high K promotes reproductive growth (flower, fruit).
..and he's right to an extent. Higher K than N is good for flowering but P should be the highest.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Veg: 3-1-2
Flower: 1-3-2

Something close to that will work. Get something that includes micros.
I agree here.

Keep the potassium level about constant, and swap the nitrogen level for the phosphorus level veg to flower.

During the 5th/6th week of flowering many strains benefit from a healthy PK boost. Nothing crazy, but a little more helps. Also, running less calcium and more magnesium later on in life is important. You will want to run about 20% less calcium than Nitrogen for most of the grow and it is an element that cannot be over looked. Magnesium later on in flowering helps build flowers and make energy for the plant.


Active Member
Veg 20-6-12
bloom 3-19-7
superthrive 5ml per gal for veg
humbolt snowstorm 5ml per gal for bloom
epsom salt 2.5ml per gal week 5-6