Now they want me to get my 1099 (2016)


Well-Known Member
Good early morning amigos, well I been supplying this dispensary for a few weeks now, everything is coming along well, they love my medicine and they call me every 5 days for more (at least half a unit per week) and the rate they donate to me is decent for me (24) for indoors units in northern Cali.

But now they want me to fill up a 1099 and honestly from been a previous business owner in Cali for more than a decade I know pretty much how the system works. Now
I need some advice from whoever here is vending to dispensaries today in 2016 and also with the new laws that just came in few weeks ago. So here are my questions please cintinue reading:

1- if I get a 1099 and let's say I just donated or sold (or whatever U guys want to call it right now lol) just one pound at 24 how much I will end up paying in taxes and sh!t?

-2 if I get a 1099 should I increase my asking donation amounts to cover taxes? I'm asking these because I love how 24 just stays in my pocket lol after all the labor intense in producing quality medicine.

-3 Also if I get a 1099 am I more likely to get a visit by the law/county to check my indoor garden? What are the chances?

-4 And lastly (for now lol) if anyone is vending to dispensaries at this time of year, are you handling your paper work every quarter or every year or you have an accountant/bookepper to do all this for you guys. ( I don't want to get my old accountant involved in this if possible)

Note: most I have delivered to that dispensary in 30 days is around 4 units all cash out when delivering the product.

Thanks for the advice amigos and I might add more to this thread.

Good early morning amigos, well I been supplying this dispensary for a few weeks now, everything is coming along well, they love my medicine and they call me every 5 days for more (at least half a unit per week) and the rate they donate to me is decent for me (24) for indoors units in northern Cali.

But now they want me to fill up a 1099 and honestly from been a previous business owner in Cali for more than a decade I know pretty much how the system works. Now
I need some advice from whoever here is vending to dispensaries today in 2016 and also with the new laws that just came in few weeks ago. So here are my questions please cintinue reading:

1- if I get a 1099 and let's say I just donated or sold (or whatever U guys want to call it right now lol) just one pound at 24 how much I will end up paying in taxes and sh!t?

-2 if I get a 1099 should I increase my asking donation amounts to cover taxes? I'm asking these because I love how 24 just stays in my pocket lol after all the labor intense in producing quality medicine.

-3 Also if I get a 1099 am I more likely to get a visit by the law/county to check my indoor garden? What are the chances?

-4 And lastly (for now lol) if anyone is vending to dispensaries at this time of year, are you handling your paper work every quarter or every year or you have an accountant/bookepper to do all this for you guys. ( I don't want to get my old accountant involved in this if possible)

Note: most I have delivered to that dispensary in 30 days is around 4 units all cash out when delivering the product.

Thanks for the advice amigos and I might add more to this thread.
