now that my seedling has germinated


I just had my seedlings sprout in some paper towel. I carefully removed each sprout (1/2 cent to an inch) with tweezers (sanitized) and transported into some regular tomato soil I had lying around for a few months.

The soil had been watered down the night before but not soaked. I am concerned that the soil may have been a bit moist?!!

Can anyone give a newbie some pointers.. I have a few more criminal seeds but i'm sick and tired of wasting good opportunity....

  • should they be in the sunlight..i get great light from 10 am to about 3pm at the moment??
  • should I let them dry up and search for H2O?
  • should I just leave them alone?
After all, they are just a weed... right?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated..


Well-Known Member
You want your soil most when you plant your seeds.

Put em in the sun pots a plant.

If your soil drys out in the sun then mist with a bit of water to moisten the soil.

How deep did you plant your seeds?


Hey Joe...
I planted the newly sprouted roots about a half inch or so..

I checked em this morning and one just received her second set of leaves..hyped!!!! Another one just pushed her way through the surface and still has the seed cap on her. The other 2 have not popped the surface.

I have a glass table in the back yard that is somewhat cloudy in color but still would allow sunlight. I moved all of the women under this table to protect from straight sunlight...????

Is that cool? I have read that they should not be in direct sunlight but i've also heard that they will thrive in that type of natural cycle???!!

Thanks for the help iB9Ub6 and Joe CALI . Anyone else who has some knowledge for a newbie, feel free to hit me up..
