Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

are you deluded man?

i told you i paid 25% and showed you a pay stub with 25% being taken out of my income, federal taxes alone. more with ss, medicare,a nd state tax.

why so retard?

LMAO Dig your hole deeper moron, so the feds deducted 25% out of your little paystub and your effective tax rate is 25% LMFAO
LMAO Dig your hole deeper moron, so the feds deducted 25% out of your little paystub and your effective tax rate is 25% LMFAO

we've been over this before.

go dig up the original thread. i never claimed and you never mentioned effective tax rate until several posts later, you vile piece of juvenile garbage.

what you are doing right now is nothing new. you are changing goalposts once again, trying to repeat yet another tired old lie, and setting yourself up for a big long fall.

just like what happened last year around this time when you preached to us about systematic and widespread skewing of polling data.

you were so very sure of yourself for so long, until the reality hammer hit down hard and you got exposed for the lying, partisan, easily duped fraud that you are.

now go away child, we have better forms of amusement around here than you. you are uninteresting and embarrassing even to your fellow conservatives.
If it comes in a republican chain email it has to be true doesn't it? Im gonna hang out here, you people make me laugh
umm, didn't have a dog in the original fight and don't know the history, but in this thread he has been talking about effective rates the entire time.

Oh hey, while you are here. Tell us what we should be doing about the chemical weapons in Libya?

edit: post addressed to Buck
My effective tax rate last year was 22%, my investment income was minimal, I rolled over much of my money market funds. How about you?

are you deluded man?

i told you i paid 25% and showed you a pay stub with 25% being taken out of my income, federal taxes alone. more with ss, medicare,a nd state tax.

why so retard?

See4 made over $250k last year, his effective tax rate as you can see was 22%, given his earnings, credits and sufficient write offs, this is very realistic.

You claim to have paid an effective rate of 25%, can you tell us again what you grossed that year please!
You claim to have paid an effective rate of 25%, can you tell us again what you grossed that year please!

see, another example of exclamation point abuse. that sentence clearly called for a question mark.

also, citation needed on the bolded.

i have already pointed out what took place in the original thread, which is that effective tax rates were not mentioned until many posts later by you. that was you changing the goalposts.

the bolded above is an example of you lying, both by getting the facts wrong, and by omission, since i asked you in post #122 to show the original thread.

you refuse to do that because we have been over this, and you have been proven to be lying about the claims made in that thread.

just give it up already, you yapping halfwit.

and cut out the goddamn exclamation point abuse!
we've been over this before.

go dig up the original thread. i never claimed and you never mentioned effective tax rate until several posts later, you vile piece of juvenile garbage.

You claimed to pay an effevtive rate my friend, you had no clue what an effective rate was then.

I'll tell you what Buckie, if either one of us are proven wrong on this one, the loser has to fly the signature of the winners choice for 6 months!
Put your balls where your mouth is or STFU.
You claimed to pay an effevtive rate my friend, you had no clue what an effective rate was then.

I'll tell you what Buckie, if either one of us are proven wrong on this one, the loser has to fly the signature of the winners choice for 6 months!
Put your balls where your mouth is or STFU.

i'm just waiting for you to cite your claims, nancy. remember, you are the one obsessed with me and you are the one who saves all these things, supposedly.

you talk all this shit and then you never back it up. it's so unsatisfying.

so just post the damn quotes already. exclamation points omitted.
i'm just waiting for you to cite your claims, nancy. remember, you are the one obsessed with me and you are the one who saves all these things, supposedly.

you talk all this shit and then you never back it up. it's so unsatisfying.

so just post the damn quotes already. exclamation points omitted.

I made a wager with you on this, are you too chickenshit to take me up on it?
I'll back it up, will you?
I made a wager with you on this, are you too chickenshit to take me up on it?
I'll back it up, will you?

now you are just trying to delay and weasel out of posting the actual quotes, you fucking coward.

don't leave me unsatisfied like you did last night, pinky wielder. show me what you've got. i get so turned on by your obsession with me.
now you are just trying to delay and weasel out of posting the actual quotes, you fucking coward.

don't leave me unsatisfied like you did last night, pinky wielder. show me what you've got. i get so turned on by your obsession with me.

You dodging the bet and everyone seeing it is almost as good to me.

Dude, you've been clowned more than anyone else on this board, don't you get tired of it?
You dodging the bet and everyone seeing it is almost as good to me.

Dude, you've been clowned more than anyone else on this board, don't you get tired of it?

still waiting on you to stop stalling and post the quote, patricia.

show everyone who was talking about what. because i sure as fuck remember the facts, but not the thread.

i need you to get me up here, and lick the tip until it squirts all over your tongue.

after that, i promise i'll cook you a nice breakfast and call you a cab.

i might even let you have the mail key if you make enough eye contact.
still waiting on you to stop stalling and post the quote, patricia.

show everyone who was talking about what. because i sure as fuck remember the facts, but not the thread.

i need you to get me up here, and lick the tip until it squirts all over your tongue.

after that, i promise i'll cook you a nice breakfast and call you a cab.

i might even let you have the mail key if you make enough eye contact.

Don't worry about me posting the quote, I just want you to make the wager, the quote will follow and we'll see who the fool is.
Besides, I asked you the question first, you can't dodge the answer by making a request.

Still waiting.
sorry, i went to have a smoke and a smoke* and another beer when the dog let it be known that he had to go park (go park is seeing eye talk for taking a poop).

ya see, you are less important to me than a dog who needs to shit.

stop trying to delay this epic quote of yours with sissy tactics, margaret.

just let me see this mysterious quote looking me in the eyes with its puffy lips wrapped and rapt on my erect cock.

i want to feel the power of my warm, milky stream as it explodes in oddesyan majesty all over its face.

don't let me go to bed with blue quote balls again, cup them balls and stoke the shaft slowly while you caress out that magical post with your warm and loving mouth.

i am gonna go have another smoke and a smoke* and a beer while i await this rapturous moment from you.
sorry, i went to have a smoke and a smoke* and another beer when the dog let it be known that he had to go park (go park is seeing eye talk for taking a poop).

ya see, you are less important to me than a dog who needs to shit.

stop trying to delay this epic quote of yours with sissy tactics, margaret.

just let me see this mysterious quote looking me in the eyes with its puffy lips wrapped and rapt on my erect cock.

i want to feel the power of my warm, milky stream as it explodes in oddesyan majesty all over its face.

don't let me go to bed with blue quote balls again, cup them balls and stoke the shaft slowly while you caress out that magical post with your warm and loving mouth.

i am gonna go have another smoke and a smoke* and a beer while i await this rapturous moment from you.

This is how Democrats avoid a lot of issues.
Just talk about gheay sex or whatever and distract the whole topic.
No wonder nothing gets done in Washington.
Oh I have, for quite some time to be honest.
I am fine with putting my health on the shoulders of people who are in it only for the money, my odds for continued good health are significantly higher than the alternative of resting on the shoulder of those who are only in it for the votes!

Perhaps you should be thinking a bit harder

Ok. Good, so you have admitted that healthcare, as it currently stands is a for-profit capital enterprise. Glad we have that established.

We simply have a difference in opinion. You think the answer to everything is capitalism and the private sector coming up with the right idea. Where I see it as, specifically speaking healthcare, an opportunity for our society and economy to break free of the influential hold that the big pharma and medical industry has held on to us for so long.

We just have a clear difference in opinion. You prefer capitalism, every man for himself. I prefer doing good for the society, because as a whole we are strong, as an individual we are broken.
This is how Democrats avoid a lot of issues.
Just talk about gheay sex or whatever and distract the whole topic.
No wonder nothing gets done in Washington.

Out of left field much?


Seriously, no.