Notice: Trolls Keep Bumping Threads With Stupid Propagandist Titles

Perhaps there might be a way of limiting their views so they quickly FIFO out of the first page of the section and disappear into the past. Those who post to them and try to bring them to the fore, other than the OP would be suspect as well as the OP. Call em single view pages and make a thread to keep at the top of the heap for newbies, so they don't become collateral damage or are victimized, that's why yer doing this shit anyway. This would only apply to threads that promote social division in America and there needs to be away that it doesn't get carried away, and limit honorable and honest speech Ya don't want guns and other threads.dealing such hot button topic limited. Hate speech is not free speech and the SCOTUS ruled a long time ago, that ya can't shout FIRE in a crowded theater, when there is none.

People do bitch though and I'd rather hear of them and know them and not have their rights infringed upon. When ya listen to them and contact those who like or agree and find out if they have a heart, work on that, instead of jamming facts and figures and making logical arguments, or jamming egotistically motivated arguments down their throats. That ain't no way to "influence people and make friends". The guy who wrote book had some interesting insights about that. Start with the heart and only move on to issues after you've gotten over certain other"issues" that cause them to hold their view. If you want to bring em on the right side of history, never start with YOUR WRONG, look for a way in instead, see if they have a heart and what drives em. Facts figures and gentle discussions with ,yeah that had me fooled too, in them will help your cause the most. Connecting with people changing one heat and mind at a time in a sincere and meaningful way. That's how to be happy & caring, while saving your own soul and that of your nation.

For many who feel helpless and frustrated and would like to do more to help their country recover and heal, this is the only place the can fight for the kind of country they can love more. An this where they discuss, help, share and support one another, their community and that is where the fight is taking place in the homes and in the communities of citizens like this and actual ones, is where the battle for the heart and soul of America. It's a battle of hearts and souls, but if reasonable methods don't work, ya can always grab em by the balls and twist real hard, or bitch slap them back to reality repeatedly, what ever works to get the country back for the citizens.

These ideas are up for discussion and criticism and I'm a nice guy who tries to practice what he preaches, when dealing with honest and honorable adults.
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Yeah and I’d think the mosquitoes around sunset would be horrible
They are, and the mosquitoes and black flies (noseeums) will bleed ya dry as the deer flies and horse flies devour yer carcass and drive ya fucking insane, welcome to northern Ontario in the summer time! Makes men of boys up here in the great white north or drives them mad trying.

Put Grimy to bed mad again, poor grimy, he'll be back looking for pay back too. Wish the fuck someone would pull the fucking pin on the bastard. I don't really know what it takes to get banned here, and I've looked over the rules.

Ya can't have any kind of communities with rampant antisocial activities and psychopaths running around victimizing and causing fucking mayhem. Mere sociopaths like rob roy I can tolerate if they don't cause too much harm, not too many kids here.

Psychopaths are the most cold blooded of them all and most would kill ya without batting an eye.

They engage in habitual manipulative, deceitful, antisocial activities and are a serious threat to the community and the people who come here. I don't want to see innocents get hurt by these people here. I live here too for now and where I live I usually take out the garbage and flush shit down the toilet...
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I want ya gone grimy, if I wanted private communications with buck I would have PMed him, it was meant to be seen by you, because you're keeping a close eye on me, cause ya feel threatened with exposure. I can prove my case to any reasonable person with documentary evidence gimy, everything here is recorded even the PM messages.

Believe it or not I'm not acting toward you with malice either, I feel compassion and understanding for you too, It was how I was able to get inside your mind and it is my power, but I have to act in the interests of others for the magic to work. It's called the wind of compassion and you've felt it blowing in yer face the whole time and there is nothing magical about it. For we evolved from families and communities who depend on each other for mutual support an defense with cooperative and social behaviors that are built into our genes and this gives us extra power when we act for others, and nature built us to feel joyful when we did it too. Social interaction is so important for the survival of our species that those parts of the brain are the most plastic and able to change and grow the best. These areas are important for everything from loving yer cat, to picking up the trash in a park, to getting pissed of at others automatically when they don't do the right thing and act in antisocial ways. Much of behavior is genetically programmed by a long evolutionary history of living in small tribal or clan groups in a struggle for existence in a harsh and unforgiving environment. When we act for the good of others we feel spontaneous joy and happiness, because nature made us that way in order to survive. Provided ya got all the neurological equipment in one piece and I'm pretty sure you don't, but if yer concerned and feel bad about your behaviors, get it checked out. Meditation will do you no good at all if yer not OK, cause it's about how big yer heart is that's important, not how big yer brain is.

I hope there's is hope, cause yer on one Hell of a path to perdition and it won't end well at all. If there is, train your mind, it'll grow a conscience on a stump and that is a good friend to have, keeps ya out of trouble. The reason folks have consciences is so we could live in groups and cooperate in communities to survive and the whole thing is driven by our love for one another. That is why I feel compassion for you grimy, you'll never know the joy and happiness it can bring, if ya got issues with yer prefrontal cortex, then I'm truly sorry.

Hope this helps
Compassion comes first
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You got a crush on me or something?
One other thing grimy social media can exacerbate character defects, mine too and and yer like a fat kid in a candy store looking to lose weight, you'll get into trouble in yer real life a lot quicker, and more frequently if you hang around here because of it's effects on you. It affects just about everybody negatively, some more than others and in your in your case it will be severe, you can't feel the stress yer undergoing because yer ego is protecting you and you can't feel yer emotions properly as the arise in your body, the seat of emotion, much of the training involves becoming aware of feeling your body to increase empathy.

This is sound advice and one of my reasons fur wanting ya turfed, believe it or not. Stay off social media for your own mental well being.

Knee hurts grimy and I figure I gotta lay down fur a spell...
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Stayed up to edit my text for clear communications, I write for a hobby too. Saw yer message and will look it over later grimy. Read my lasts posts carefully and if ya wanna debate me in public on it we can, we can even a make special thread if ya want, consult me first if yer gonna create one, cause that would be an anti social act too, if you didn't. But ya better be warned it ain't gonna be pretty grimy.
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Buck and I have barely spoken, no need, we're both flaming liberals engaged in "group think".
This was and is still is true, but relationships among people evolve grimy as the bonds of trust and affection grow, so I have sent more messages to buck, but most didn't concern you, but a friend you fucked over by the name of cody and it is his interest that I partly act.

Why would a person give their life for another grimy?

Why would a solder fight for his country, he doesn't, he fights for a small band of his brothers, his fellow small band of brother warriors, who deep down inside he loves, even though he's going through the Hell of combat and killing his enemies at the same time and getting killed saving his buddies. Words such as honor and courage and trust are spoken among of such men and they know a good man from a bad one for, the most part, but ass holes end up in the military too.

Remember Donald Trump chickened out on his band of brothers in Vietnam, don't forget that when you go to vote. He will fuck you over in a heartbeat and will if given the chance.
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One way you can tell if yer somewhat normal for free grimy, since ya probably don't have heath care covered right. Join the military and serve your country and avail yourself of it's many benefits including heath care, a pay check, and the opportunity for personal growth, education and adventure, all rolled into one. Standards are high because Uncle Sam doesn't need too many warm bodies right now, so if you get in yer some what normal, but don't count on it!
Thank you, at least you admit it. The points I've made stand for themselves. Its empty, and cringeworthy. It's a bit hysterical. I caught holy hell for being reasonable. You're all triggered because you're Warren or die, but I'm not Warren or die. I created a thread to undermine the trolls silly argument that I was mysoginistic because I disagreed with Warren's policy. First Warren proposes a policy pandering to the woke (like I said, I think if you were truly a suffering trans that you'd be a bit insulted), then I make a few points, and now I'm the one that's being too sensitive? Lol that's a bit rich. I'd think that if you defend Warrens policy, you'd fall into the "ultra woke" category, and I chuckle as I observe the hypocrisy as its implied I'm being too sensative.

I guess it is just down to trolling to bump your obvious troll thread on Warren. Especially when you just ignore the majority of what I wrote, highlight and respond to a edited portion, and call me a triggered Warren supporter.

She got asked a question by a little kid and what Warren said on stage is being mangled with what she said in a second town hall.

Here is what she said to the kid:
Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 12.35.48 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-07 at 12.36.09 PM.png
I guess it is just down to trolling to bump your obvious troll thread on Warren. Especially when you just ignore the majority of what I wrote, highlight and respond to a edited portion, and call me a triggered Warren supporter.

She got asked a question by a little kid and what Warren said on stage is being mangled with what she said in a second town hall.

Here is what she said to the kid:
View attachment 4473925View attachment 4473926
He's still crying.


Bernie babies.
I guess it is just down to trolling to bump your obvious troll thread on Warren. Especially when you just ignore the majority of what I wrote, highlight and respond to a edited portion, and call me a triggered Warren supporter.

She got asked a question by a little kid and what Warren said on stage is being mangled with what she said in a second town hall.

Here is what she said to the kid:
View attachment 4473925View attachment 4473926
Ya, that's giving context to who she was referring to when she said this...

I’m gonna have a secretary of education that this young trans person interviews, on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our secretary of education nominee is someone who is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person actually be advanced to be secretary of education.

These were my points which aren't baseless...

Not sure children are qualified or posses the foresight to be burdened with this power. Not sure singling out trans kids for this burden reflects or is inclusive to the historical slights that rise to greater magnitudes of documented cases concerning public education and other minority communities (ie communities of color). Not sure the criteria for qualification based soley on sexual orientation is logical. Seems like she made it up on the spot. Not sure it has any real impact. Sounds like a hysterical appeal to the woke community imo. Let's be intelligent with our advocacy for minority rights. Most else what she's ran on is great imo, but as soon as you start going places like this, legitamacy is diminished.
Seems the Trolls have abandoned trying to keep it together for more than a few posts and have resorted in spamming in threads with propagandist titles.

They are going for the exhaustion method it seems to spread their stupid.
Yeah, one in particular is very keen on doing that. I have been preemptively bumping it for him since it just makes him look like a queeframminfist at this point. I'm going to start linking obscure hip hop songs and remixes there. Afterall, the thread was started to troll me, so it's kind of my thread.