Notice: Trolls Keep Bumping Threads With Stupid Propagandist Titles

So is that a yes?

Im sorry I am not buying the nonsense that accounts keep pushing and then pretending like the negging is not just more trolling to try to deflect from the very real attack that is taking place in our societies by right wing propagandists.
So is that a yes?

Im sorry I am not buying the nonsense that accounts keep pushing and then pretending like the negging is not just more trolling to try to deflect from the very real attack that is taking place in our societies by right wing propagandists.
But myself and TT are to the left of your politics and not the right- and you know this.
You are intolerant of others politics.

But myself and TT are to the left of your politics and not the right- and you know this.
You are intolerant of others politics.


Am I just supposed to forget about the fact that the online trolling attack is coming from all sides of every single issue?


Just because you claim you are 'left of' my politics doesn't mean you are not pushing the right wing/fascist dictator's agenda when you claim stupid shit like Assange being some kind of journalist/martyr.
That song is no laughing matter.
Friendly fire took to many lives in Vietnam and Agent orange still hunts and haunts the Vietnam vets offspring and offsprings offspring..
I'm a Vietnam vets offspring so i know first hand, as does my younger sister.

You fail to see other peoples viewpoints and have no desire to.

Why the fk would a lefty spruce right wing agenda..and please don't try to justify your crazy comment....please.
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That song is no laughing matter.
Friendly fire took to many lives in Vietnam and Agent orange still hunts the Vietnam vets offspring and offsprings offspring..

You fail to see other peoples viewpoints and have no desire to.
Yeah for a lot of people it still sucks what white men a half century ago thought was a good idea to do to people.

That is why I am happy to live in a time where at least one major nation has a major political party that is representative of all the people in our nation and not just virtually all pushing the white male agenda.
Yeah for a lot of people it still sucks what white men a half century ago thought was a good idea to do to people.

That is why I am happy to live in a time where at least one major nation has a major political party that is representative of all the people in our nation and not just virtually all pushing the white male agenda.
Yep just yesterday in the "lucky" solders are still alive for fks sake.
awesome, what country is that in? Norway?
Germany? O! Portugal!
I hate guessing games.
Australia would have to be close..New Zealand!?

New Zealand, Australia, Germany and England have all had Female leaders. I think Norway has..not sure on Portugal but they are a fairly left country.
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It took me awhile. Sorry.
Of cause, any and all countries that have compulsory voting in democratic federal elections!
No brainer when you know the answer.

Spoiler alert- it's not a new thing. Some of us folk even grew up with it as normal. It's why we can actually discuss politics without being a one eyed dick.
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Yep just yesterday in the "lucky" solders are still alive for fks sake.
awesome, what country is that in? Norway?
Germany? O! Portugal!
I hate guessing games.
Australia would have to be close..New Zealand!?

New Zealand, Australia, Germany and England have all had Female leaders. I think Norway has..not sure on Portugal but they are a fairly left country.
You are pointing to virtually all white governments. I think that might be the roadblock you keep having when it comes to the Democratic Party here in America.
so, is this where we chuck tantrums and create bizarre conspiracies any time someone has a slightly different opinion on a public forum? Count me in lol.

I also want to be a make believe bounty hunter who can sniff out a "foreign insurgent" at the mere whiff of a minor disagreement lol.

Lol..the irony of making a thread calling out "propaganda" and "foreign trolls" while spewing nothing but make believe propaganda about every single person that has any form of opinion that slightly varies from yours. It's like you truly can't accept that someone can think differently to you without being a foreign agent lol.

It's like a broken record now. Every time someone disagrees with you, you run off to another thread like this, play make believe foreign insurgent man hunter, make conspiracies about "foreign agents" and notify your buddies that there's more undercover operatives about because someone had the nerve to have a different opinion. I'm loving this. It's the most hypocritical shit I've ever seen lol.

It's like a soap opera lol "bold and the invisible Russian insurgency"

One day, hopefully, you guys will wake up from this delirious psychosis where around every corner there is a lurking Russian operative willing to have a minor social disagreement, and realise that people can have differences in opinion without it relating to Russia and foreign insurgency lol (like, even typing that sounds bizarre, you can you even think that is a plausible scenario)
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so, is this where we chuck tantrums and create bizarre conspiracies any time someone has a slightly different opinion on a public forum? Count me in lol.
No this is where I post when people (who have so far been mostly indistinguishable from the militarized propaganda trolls that are attacking every major website in order to divide us) are posting in stupid as shit titled threads that are pushing the right wing spam.

But welcome. Is this your actual account here or are you another sock puppet that will try to keep it together, but after x amount of time turns into yet another in the endless line of paid trolls?

I also want to be a make believe bounty hunter who can sniff out a "foreign insurgent" at the mere whiff of a minor disagreement lol.
Are you trying to pretend like there is not a coordinated attack on our society using online propaganda campaigns that are directed to divide us?

If so, and of course you are not just pushing the same stupid negging tactic that the Russian military did when they are cat fishing us, I hope you stick around long enough to start to understand how persistent of a problem it really is.


Lol..the irony of making a thread calling out "propaganda" and "foreign trolls" while spewing nothing but make believe propaganda about every single person that has any form of opinion that slightly varies from yours.
You didn't actually point that you are talking about me outside of making this thread so I am not sure if you are referring to me, but if so feel free to show me where I am 'make believe propaganda'.

I try to not talk shit about people here, because I don't know any of them in real life. But if they are regurgitating propaganda like it is their job, I am willing to point that out.

Because it is bullshit that is an actual harm to our society.

It's like you truly can't accept that someone can think differently to you without being a foreign agent lol.

It's like a broken record now. Every time someone disagrees with you, you run off to another thread like this, play make believe foreign insurgent man hunter, make conspiracies about "foreign agents" and notify your buddies that there's more undercover operatives about because someone had the nerve to have a different opinion. I'm loving this. It's the most hypocritical shit I've ever seen lol.

It's like a soap opera lol "bold and the invisible Russian insurgency"

One day, hopefully, you guys will wake up from this delirious psychosis where around every corner there is a lurking Russian operative willing to have a minor social disagreement, and realise that people can have differences in opinion without it relating to Russia and foreign insurgency lol (like, even typing that sounds bizarre, you can you even think that is a plausible scenario)
This is more of that dismiss nonsense that trolls push. So since I have never communicated with your account (that I know of, feel free to show me where if I have offended you (and you are not just white knighting for trolls)), I guess it is worth starting at the very beginning.

Are you an American, and if so are you really just cool with the fact that Putin is attacking us using very sophisticated online tools developed to brainwash our vulnerable population?
that Putin is attacking us
Putin is attacking Europe, which caused a big recession here and much inflation.
The US had inflation before that, though I'm not convinced the current situation changed much too worse on your matters. You been sanctioning and opposing the Russians anyway...

The trolls you see is you in the mirror.
Putin is attacking Europe, which caused a big recession here and much inflation.
The US had inflation before that, though I'm not convinced the current situation changed much too worse on your matters. You been sanctioning and opposing the Russians anyway...

The trolls you see is you in the mirror.
Putin is attacking Europe, which caused a big recession here and much inflation.
It really sucks that Putin's playing dictator is putting the world through this.

The US had inflation before that, though I'm not convinced the current situation changed much too worse on your matters.
Yeah the inflation is a pain in the butt, but the world is on fire unfortunately. I am not sure what you mean about 'changing much too worse on your matters' though. I think you mean with respect to the war? idk, feel free to let me know if I didn't guess right.
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After the vaccines came out, and people finally had someone in charge not confusing the situation with the pandemic, a lot of pent up spending kicked in while people here muddled through the pandemic. It started to level out in January 2021 and then the next month Putin starts this bullshit war to steal land from his neighbors.

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Once the vaccines came out and we got through all the job losses that happened under the Republican administration, that rebound in spending was going to cause inflation.

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The one thing that adds to this is the 'negotiating' that went on between Putin and MBS that dropped world production of oil.

You been sanctioning and opposing the Russians anyway...
Ok? Do you think we shouldn't have a response to a nation that decided to attack our democracy and invading our allies? Because I don't think that we have been out of line at all when it comes to Russia and how Putin has been pushing us.

The trolls you see is you in the mirror.

If pointing out the regurgitated right wing propaganda when it lands in others' posts makes me a troll, I have pretty much said the same in the past.
Let's put it like that, when on a large map fires arise, those distant from these may be way less affected and a manipulative outpolitics strategy could employ this to weaken a number of nearby opponents, rivals or concurrency.
Let's put it like that, when on a large map fires arise, those distant from these may be way less affected and a manipulative outpolitics strategy could employ this to weaken a number of nearby opponents, rivals or concurrency.
Do you mean like Italy voting in some far right nut?

Just shows that we all need to be vigilant to not let these would be dictators get into office even after we learned about the attack, nations are still being sucked down the fascist rabbit hole.