Notice in the mail...Court Friday.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I have my first appearance Friday since the Grand Jury handed down the true bill. I'll get it continued 'cos I'm just gonna fire the PD, as he's not interested in any conversation regarding my defense. He acts like I'm just a prop on the set of this bizarre play. I'm not supposed to say or do anything proactive. Fuck him. It's MY god damn future at stake here.
I don't know what I'll do for an attorney, but I'm sure it'll work itself out. I'm talking to a couple of lawyers (GOD I hate them blood suckers) who MIGHT be interested in taking my case pro bono, but only because it's a high profile case and would be a feather in their caps. I'll take this bitch to trial if need be. They are charging me with 113 plants, when there were only 44, and they are charging a pound per plant. That's just not realistic and I'll make 'em PROVE every aspect of their case.
I'll keep y'all posted.


Well-Known Member
I wish you nothing but the best in beating this bullshit, get a good lawyer to see you through this even if you owe them they are necessary

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I ain't gonna beat this, they got me dead to rights. All I can do at this point is get them to charge me with what REALLY happened, not some figure they pulled out of their asses. 113 plants at 1 lb ea puts me up into a whole 'nother realm of sentencing possibilities. The cops were talking about a "toxic chemical clean up". EVERYTHING in that room was OMRI organic. If they'll each pay for toxic clean up of their garage, I'll go for paying the fee. I guarantee that there is FAR more toxic shit stored improperly in every one of their garages than there ever was in those grow rooms.


Well-Known Member
I ain't gonna beat this, they got me dead to rights. All I can do at this point is get them to charge me with what REALLY happened, not some figure they pulled out of their asses. 113 plants at 1 lb ea puts me up into a whole 'nother realm of sentencing possibilities. The cops were talking about a "toxic chemical clean up". EVERYTHING in that room was OMRI organic. If they'll each pay for toxic clean up of their garage, I'll go for paying the fee. I guarantee that there is FAR more toxic shit stored improperly in every one of their garages than there ever was in those grow rooms.
make them prove that mj is toxic... if they can :mrgreen:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
2 threads on that already.

Luger, they haven't come right out and said that MJ was toxic (illegal is enough for them) They're claiming my ferts were toxic!!!!! One cop even said "Indol3 butyric acid, Hmm..........that just SOUNDS toxic!!" I explained to him what it was, and that it's a naturally occurring compound. He called me a smart-ass. (Go figger!)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Sorry, didn't mean to sound like a dick. (Guess I did, tho...) look for "I needed to bounce this off the forum" here in Toke & Talk


Well-Known Member
It's most likely a scare tactic. They know they're not going to charge you with that. You will most likely get a letter in the mail saying 'your charges have been reduced to...." I think they do it so you think, wow, what a relief, I better take this plea deal.


Well-Known Member
if the plant has a root no matter what size it is,its considered a pound so you would be charged with that.what i would do is ask for the evidence of you having 113 plants when you are in court.


New Member
So you started a thread on toke and talk about trying to weasel out of an illegal grow op? LOL. No matter how many or weight you did, said or doing something illegal that got ya under the radar in the first place. Now you're trying to correct it asking for help in the derelicts forum of RIU, wow.

You need not luck my friend, but a good friend to make you stop hurting yourself like this.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You didn't read the whole thing, did you Tony? I can't wiggle out of this. No way. I'm just going to make them prove every point if I have to. And no one here can help me other than in he capacity to listen. Sometimes you just gotta vent, and this venue here is as good as any I have available.
There were only 44 plants with living tissue roots, and I (believe) can prove that due to different growing techniques, a pound per plant is unrealistic. Christ, I'd LOVE to pull an elbow per indoors. My personal best was 8 oz.


Well-Known Member
I have my first appearance Friday since the Grand Jury handed down the true bill. I'll get it continued 'cos I'm just gonna fire the PD, as he's not interested in any conversation regarding my defense. He acts like I'm just a prop on the set of this bizarre play. I'm not supposed to say or do anything proactive. Fuck him. It's MY god damn future at stake here.
I don't know what I'll do for an attorney, but I'm sure it'll work itself out. I'm talking to a couple of lawyers (GOD I hate them blood suckers) who MIGHT be interested in taking my case pro bono, but only because it's a high profile case and would be a feather in their caps. I'll take this bitch to trial if need be. They are charging me with 113 plants, when there were only 44, and they are charging a pound per plant. That's just not realistic and I'll make 'em PROVE every aspect of their case.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Dude i hope and fucking pray u get to laugh in their fuckin faces when u walk out of that court room a free man. BEST OF LUCK MY DUDE