Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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And it’s all bullshit. You’re full of bullshit. There’s no need to reply with anything more. You waste time and energy with foolishness. Are you a hoarder also? You seem to have similar and related mental afflictions.

Make no doubt, you are mentally ill. This is intelligent people distance themselves from you. You’re an embarrassment to others around you. This causes strain to those unfortunate enough to be close to you.
You don't know the definition of theory. You started this thread with hatred and contempt in your heart. You called your fellow man pathetic waste of flesh. Why? Because they don't subscribe to the same brain washed ideology as you? You are just pissed because I made you look like a fool. Furthermore you have offered zero intellectual rebuttal. September 23 2005. Gaza City. While most of America was preoccupied with Katrina I did a piece of work. Hamas was having a military parade and I wrecked the party. Some kids got in the way. So yeah I'm probably mentally ill but kush varieties help me cope. Their are videos of the aftermath but I don't watch them. Peace Rrog.
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You don't know the definition of theory. You started this thread with hatred and contempt in your heart. You called your fellow man pathetic waste of flesh. Why? Because they don't subscribe to the same brain washed ideology as you? You are just pissed because I made you look like a fool. Furthermore you have offered zero intellectual rebuttal. September 22, 2005. While most of America was preoccupied with Katrina I did a piece of work. Hamas was having a military parade and I wrecked the party. Some kids got in the way. So yeah I'm probably mentally ill but kush varieties help me cope. Their are videos of the aftermath but I don't watch them. Peace Rrog.

You are welcome to have any beliefs you want. That’s what our country is supposed to be about.

And you are right Rrog is upset sounding more than debating like you want.

But you are arguing a premise with no reality. No reason. And no ties to religion or science as you want us to believe.

The fool is the one who needs to keep arguing.
Mix 3 tablespoons of epsom salt with 8 oz of warm water and stir briskly for 30 seconds. Chug that down and don't breath through your nose because it's bitter. Go lay on your right side and stay close to commode. This will help you if you are chock full of shit. Peace Rrog.
Well here we are hundreds of posts later and all we have are the rantings of mental illness. At the end of the day this is the lesson. Mental illness is a bitch. Could be hollow earth, flat earth, NASA fakery. All just delusions of various mentally ill people with completely fabricated sub-realities.

Given that the conspiracy theory is a type of OCD, like hoarding it’s very difficult to treat
Well here we are hundreds of posts later and all we have are the rantings of mental illness. At the end of the day this is the lesson. Mental illness is a bitch. Could be hollow earth, flat earth, NASA fakery. All just delusions of various mentally ill people with completely fabricated sub-realities.

Given that the conspiracy theory is a type of OCD, like hoarding it’s very difficult to treat

I don’t think believing in a conspiracy theory alone precludes mental illness.

Most of the world believes in religion. And not the same creator.

Maybe we are mentally ill for arguing it so much.
Lol angular momentum and inertia. Motion requires energy so a Big Bang set the cosmos into motion so that it follows an exact path that can be predicted years in advanced to the very minute. Explosion patterns are compltetely random. Fragments are not scattered so they work as precise as a Swiss watch. Globetards.

I believe the fat bottom girls remark was the main point of that meme. Way to screw it up.
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