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Shivambu Shastra. seek and you shall find. It's our realm my brother. Not mine.How do we open the vent on your terrarium?
Shivambu Shastra. seek and you shall find. It's our realm my brother. Not mine.How do we open the vent on your terrarium?
But remember the Maine!
I have a feeling many flat earthers also believe these shootings are staged...
So the water lays in the globe? LMAO mmmmk Or does it defy the laws of physics and lay around the globe? Gravity is a theory not a law. The lies you wish to live will always be just over the curvizon. GlobetardWater isn’t flat. It is made up of countless round drops all can be independent or connected and flowing. But anyone with a microscope can see the separate drops.
It all lays relatively flat or read slightly curved as it is attracted to the planet we live on because of gravity.
Not sure where this flat water you speak of exists @RetiredGuerilla. Water takes the shape it lays in.
If water curved then the carpenters leveler wouldn't work and your moms house would be crooked. Her basement makes good living quarters for you because water is flat and the carpenters leveler stayed true.Funny - he’s the one without basic comprehension and labels others as unaware. Classic mental illness
So the water lays in the globe? LMAO mmmmk Or does it defy the laws of physics and lay around the globe? Gravity is a theory not a law. The lies you wish to live will always be just over the curvizon. Globetard
the earth is flat or 300 times bigger then what they tell us.
I simply present facts about the behavior of water. Facts backed by the laws of physics. Gravity is not a law but merely a theory. Look it up for yourself. Yes I am a brilliant individual. A genius in every sense of the word and you are a mere underling. I'm offering you the opportunity at enlightenment. Be thankful I chose to drop knowledge where I did so you could be graced with it. I have lifted the veil to expose the lies but you are blinded by years of psychological operations from television and indoctrination of the public school system. You are at a cross roads Med. The truth taste good when the belly is full of lies.It’s too easy. No one who knows they are 100% correct needs to argue so hard.
You are the one with the theories. Are you as sure you are smarter than everyone else as you are sure the earth is not round?
We have all easily shown evidence it is well, because it is. You have offered nothing that even makes sense. And some of the least credible YouTube vids out there.
But I am impressed with your staying power. Religious fanatics have that quality too.
Stupidity? Like moon walks and water curving into a circle? Mmmmm kYou do not present facts, you twisted nitwit. You present stupidity. You are simply part of a club of other idiots. Funny how no smart people never come forward. All of the smart scientists are fooled
I simply present facts about the behavior of water. Facts backed by the laws of physics. Gravity is not a law but merely a theory. Look it up for yourself. Yes I am a brilliant individual. A genius in every sense of the word and you are a mere underling. I'm offering you the opportunity at enlightenment. Be thankful I chose to drop knowledge where I did so you could be graced with it. I have lifted the veil to expose the lies but you are blinded by years of psychological operations from television and indoctrination of the public school system. You are at a cross roads Med. The truth taste good when the belly is full of lies.
I will dumb down my advanced vocabulary and talk to you in lay men's terms. Ain't nobody mentally ill bish, who Eva be believen dis bullshit is crazy fo real. NASA aint Ben to no moon. You got hustled dawg str8 up out ya money. Water can't be curvin shits impossible. Aint no damn cosmic riot goin on. That shit be right on time airy day. Imma pray fer ya do know what I'm talkin bout no what I mean no wat I'm sayin?Let’s not lose track of the fact that this is a textbook, bonafide mental illness. We can joke and poke, and that’s sure easy and fun, but the dude needs help. This affliction keeps him at arms length to a lot of people, so he socializes online with others of like affliction. It’s sad when people are ostracized because of their disability. That’s what this is. A mental disability. Truth
I will dumb down my advanced vocabulary and talk to you in lay men's terms. Ain't nobody mentally ill bish, who Eva be believen dis bullshit is crazy fo real. NASA aint Ben to no moon. You got hustled dawg str8 up out ya money. Water can't be curvin shits impossible. Aint no damn cosmic riot goin on. That shit be right on time airy day. Imma pray fer ya do know what I'm talkin bout no what I mean no wat I'm sayin?