Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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10,000 of them? That's a lot of damn fuel. Lot of man power.

What about before the UN?
Yeah it is at the antarctica, that is the edge, if you go to the north pole, you keep going until you eventually arrive to the edge (alleged antarctica). There, the UN will not let you through. On a flat earth, the last of their issues is fuel and manpower. Those are the army of God. God is the architect of the dome. Don't you mind the scientific calculations of ball earth, those are all bullshit even if they add up and the flat earthers are right even if they look like tards and cannot get a straight scientific argument. Thank God for flat earthers, I think that no other topic can be as entertaining.
Yeah it is at the antarctica, that is the edge, if you go to the north pole, you keep going until you eventually arrive to the edge (alleged antarctica). There, the UN will not let you through. On a flat earth, the last of their issues is fuel and manpower. Those are the army of God. God is the architect of the dome. Don't you mind the scientific calculations of ball earth, those are all bullshit even if they add up and the flat earthers are right even if they look like tards and cannot get a straight scientific argument. Thank God for flat earthers, I think that no other topic can be as entertaining.
Bullshit. Why are there no pics of the dome or the edge?
Yeah it is at the antarctica, that is the edge, if you go to the north pole, you keep going until you eventually arrive to the edge (alleged antarctica). There, the UN will not let you through. On a flat earth, the last of their issues is fuel and manpower. Those are the army of God. God is the architect of the dome. Don't you mind the scientific calculations of ball earth, those are all bullshit even if they add up and the flat earthers are right even if they look like tards and cannot get a straight scientific argument. Thank God for flat earthers, I think that no other topic can be as entertaining.
Maybe you can answer my question since you say it’s a ring
Yeah it is at the antarctica, that is the edge, if you go to the north pole, you keep going until you eventually arrive to the edge (alleged antarctica). There, the UN will not let you through. On a flat earth, the last of their issues is fuel and manpower. Those are the army of God. God is the architect of the dome. Don't you mind the scientific calculations of ball earth, those are all bullshit even if they add up and the flat earthers are right even if they look like tards and cannot get a straight scientific argument. Thank God for flat earthers, I think that no other topic can be as entertaining.
Again. Why has no one went to the edge and climb the ice to take a pic of the dome. The dome has to touch down. It would be easy to prove.

You can't really be this dumb.
Antarctica is the edge huh?
Well that would get a debate from the Antarctica has a giant hole in it that leads to middle earth and the aliens cities crowd.

Social media is awesome. :-)
I guess my questions stumped these guys lol
It's all about Magnetism. There is no gravity, it's this invisible force field ( like Star Trek) that the aliens created a long long time ago. It's this 'Force' field that is pushing everything down. There is no gravity. That is a hoax created by the sphere Earth people. And the 10,000 boats, well I guess the Aliens created them too. They powered by the 'Dome's' Energy. That is why there is no need for fuel. I guess they like hover craft or something. Anti-gravity powered. And the government knows about this Anti-gravity tech but don't tell us about it. I think it has something to do with the chips they implant in our heads at birth. Yeah... it's the chips. I think I'm figuring it all out. LOL
I know where they got all the people to operate the 10,000 patrol boats. It's the Mayan's. They didn't die off and leave their civilization behind. They all in the boats. That's it. I figured it all out. :-P
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