Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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The star of Ba'al and Moloch is on the Israeli flag and you can't deny it. The smartest one always prevails and that would be ME. bongsmilie
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James Bradley, (born March 1693, Sherborne, Gloucestershire, Eng.—died July 13, 1762, Chalford, Gloucestershire), English astronomer who in 1728 announced his discovery of the aberration of starlight, an apparent slight change in the positions of stars caused by the yearly motion of the Earth. That finding provided the first direct evidence for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
James Bradley, (born March 1693, Sherborne, Gloucestershire, Eng.—died July 13, 1762, Chalford, Gloucestershire), English astronomer who in 1728 announced his discovery of the aberration of starlight, an apparent slight change in the positions of stars caused by the yearly motion of the Earth. That finding provided the first direct evidence for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
Dude it's not even up for debate. Learn the motion of the cosmos for yourself. Astronomers are Charlatans.
Dude it's not even up for debate. Learn the motion of the cosmos for yourself. Astronomers are Charlatans.
You said this guy was legit in your post. You said “look him up he proves the earth is flat”. You were hoping we are as lazy as you. You assumed we wouldn’t fact check. You’re wrong. Bye loser
And the obsessive energy required to maintain the level of cognitive dissonance to even consider the Flat Earth whatever may push some of the true believers into a full blown Psychotic Break or persistent Psychosis.
And the obsessive energy required to maintain the level of cognitive dissonance to even consider the Flat Earth whatever may push some of the true believers into a full blown Psychotic Break or persistent Psychosis.

I'm pretty sure that is exactly what we have been witnessing.
Everything is technically "flat" if you get to the nuts and bolts of it all...
Nothing more than information in a 2D universe.

Interesting enough for it to be one of the final theories Hawking's was helping to prove before his death. The actual author's of the theory were classmates and close friends with him @ university and throughout their careers...(just as distinguished but not as well know)
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