Note to self thread

Later guys and gals Beech is going to move on with his life.
Really enjoyed a lot of you guys were like a second family.
will stop by sometime next week and see who post.
Good to see ya back Beechy, hope you had a good holiday weekend!

Happy Labor day weekend everyone!
Happy Labor day weekend to you too!

sorry I'm a bit late, the hurricane that hit Florida made Time Warner go stupid, we lost our internet Friday morning and just got it back today.
I'd really like to get a dog but I'm not so sure I want to put my cats through that integration process. I figure the more animals, the less attn I'd be able to provide.

my dog is super cute, i guess she sees my cat as frail and helpless.but shes a guard dog by nature, so she will protect her and like growl at people like its her baby

my cat will turn into a ball of razor blades in a hurry though..little Tasmanian devil looking thing