Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the point?? They love to eat outdoor crops. so why love them?? I mean when they are just deer in the wild they are beautiful to look at. but if they eat all the veggin plants up then they deserve to die high. :)


Well-Known Member
Than again it would only be the FAULT of the grower who did not properly protect his/her grow. so BEECH accept my apology and know I will never kill a deer. :)


Active Member
note to self: fire ants like to eat dog poop

so... fyi y'all, you can be lucky enough to not only step in dog shit but also to be bitten by said fire ants concurrently


Well-Known Member
I have a full bottle of anti freeze with their name on it.

Why? They are doing what they need to. Nothing more, nothing less. you dislike them, erect barriers, be proactive. Why do you enjoy torturing the weaker, less mentally capable? That's generally viewed as a pretty strong precursor -- and going right after big game, with poison? You must be from the Pacific Northwest...

Seriously, As a rule, you should never use a method of disposal that you would not accept as your own fate.

Note to Self: Starting checking in on some of these others a bit more -- might just get the chance to get your Dexter on.


Well-Known Member
Why? They are doing what they need to. Nothing more, nothing less. you dislike them, erect barriers, be proactive. Why do you enjoy torturing the weaker, less mentally capable? That's generally viewed as a pretty strong precursor -- and going right after big game, with poison? You must be from the Pacific Northwest...Seriously, As a rule, you should never use a method of disposal that you would not accept as your own fate.Note to Self: Starting checking in on some of these others a bit more -- might just get the chance to get your Dexter on.
Huh?? I was talking about offing santa's reindeer since I have been getting coal for the last 5 years not poisoning innocent animals lol.


Well-Known Member

  • Seriously, As a rule, you should never use a method of disposal that you would not accept as your own fate.

    I concur!!


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
"You can drive out nature with a pitchfork,
but it always comes rolling back again,
Misery's the river of the world..."

Tom Waits


Well-Known Member
Than again it would only be the FAULT of the grower who did not properly protect his/her grow. so BEECH accept my apology and know I will never kill a deer. :)

Thats why they make electric fences........Stewy.
I corrected my errors almost immediately. Also BEECH is my sigpic any better to read?? I know red can be hard to read alone so I put a white behind it to see if it'll pop out more


Well-Known Member
Try bold black thts not much better.
Now take the flowers out!

How do you do all tht adding the letters to a pic.
Mine was done by a member over 5 yrs ago.