Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
I would never do anything to embarrass YOU.
Was talking about me calling you....I ask you if you wanted me too,you said yes.Am I wrong....If so im sorry.
Gzzz,why so offensive..
See there? I only give back what I feel I get and you pick on me all the time and I play back with you. I know you wouldn't. No you weren't wrong, I wanted you to. I just get weary of playing guessing games. Sometimes you confuse me with your questions, that's easy to do when I'm high or sleepy.


Well-Known Member
Rosey for you to even think I would do that,is Really beyond belief.
wno telling me if I said something along those lines, it couldn't be misconstrued into the same thing? Good lord man! I've known you for ages, you've never ever struck me as a bully. Just lately you been acting a bit different, I'm not sure what to make of some of the things you say.

That and I myself have been under a ton of stress and medical things that I told you about. I think we should both get some sleep babe...really. No since in getting upset over it, it's all good ;)


Well-Known Member
Fucking non comprehensioning dildos, I hate you both now.

dude, it was a private conversation and you don't know the whole deal so what it looked like it wasn't...just make sure next time you play hero there's a real villain ;)

and people wonder why I've been keeping my distance from RIU lately. Case closed.


Well-Known Member
wno telling me if I said something along those lines, it couldn't be misconstrued into the same thing? Good lord man! I've known you for ages, you've never ever struck me as a bully. Just lately you been acting a bit different, I'm not sure what to make of some of the things you say.

That and I myself have been under a ton of stress and medical things that I told you about. I think we should both get some sleep babe...really. No since in getting upset over it, it's all good ;)
I concur,But Someones needs to look out,For Riu.No staffs on now.So I try and do what I can,So the others dont have to when they come on.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Guess it's getting too serious around these parts. Getting my balls busted on several sides for interjecting with a sarcastic jibe in a non argument conducted between internet denizens? Are we eight years old here? Must be. I gotta quit the internet!


Well-Known Member
Guess it's getting too serious around these parts. Getting my balls busted on several sides for interjecting with a sarcastic jibe in a non argument conducted between internet denizens? Are we eight years old here? Must be. I gotta quit the internet! ain't that!! There's just been so many buttheads popping in and out of random threads and starting shit that is what we figured you were doing. No harm done ;)


Well-Known Member
Guess it's getting too serious around these parts. Getting my balls busted on several sides for interjecting with a sarcastic jibe in a non argument conducted between internet denizens? Are we eight years old here? Must be. I gotta quit the internet!
Man,You did not get the Rule book Steve....Way to Serious Bro.Chill your good.