not very well



Hi im such a newbie, I have/had a beautiful plant she was born feb (given by a friend and supposed to be a cheese variety ) grew real big real quick havent used anylights just natural light in south facing bathroom, and feed with a plant food regular ( grown in normal everyday compost). A friend topped it about 2months ago ( not entirely sure why) It was doing so well untill i had to move it to the greenhouse as it was getting far too big, and now its gone mad, leggy with yellowing and curled down leaves, some leaves even looked burned.. The greenhouse gets hot up to 40'c i keep air rotated by opening windows etc, I havnt a clue of ph levels etc but i will be buying something over the weekend to help with that. Its def out grown its pot which could be the problem, or have i overwatered? Shes growing quite well still loads of new shoots all over and white hairs everywhere, just want to do what i can for the best for her, any help would be great. thank you



Active Member
get the ph sorted , and get it in to a bigger pot asap.sativas go mental wae upward growth so it takes a really big pot. good luck pal.


Well-Known Member
dont worry that much... bit of damage sucks yeah but.. you do have a plant that makes other plants via cuttings.

Overall the plant is not that bad off.. seen worse recover with a bit of tending too and you will be good.


Thank you both for replies, would it be ok to re-pot now? i was told it would stress it out too much? it really needs it.


Well-Known Member
just do it carefull .. get a friend or somebody to help .. and make sure you have the new pot with soil in it and evrything ready ..

moist the new soil fist and as I said do it carefully ..

I know what I would do if it was me .. with that plant in that spot .. I would take up like 6-8 of them bricks and plant it in the ground .. but thats just me :D


Thanks, ill re-pot her today, with a lot of TLC then a nice feed? i cant pull the bricks up but thanks for the advice. i never imagined she would get that big, looking forward to seeing her get better, will post pics of progress. ;)


Well-Known Member
yea do that .. more pics is allways nice :)

and a repot will realy do her good .. find a nice big 7-12 gallon pot .. a old bucket or sumthing similar can easily work .. just make sure your roots have darkness .. and make sure it higher then wide and make a lot of nice drain holes in the bottom ..

a few bucks on some nice fresh soil would also be a very good investment (if you buy bags at your local garden center .. make sure it have a PH that is`t acid .. get some that atlest is 6,2PH .. 6,5 will be better ..

stuff like Perlit .. coco fibers .. green sand ... lega nuts .. compost .. wormcasting .. Lime .. Epsom salt .. are all good stuff to add to your soil ..

the reson why your friend top it was actualy to help you .. as it keep it low .. belive it or not (dunno if he did his job right actualy)

if it is`t flowering yet I would consider to top it agin .. the very top .. the very new grow at the very tip of the plants .. nip it off ..

will stall the plant for a few days .. then it will redirect its hormones to its side brances and they will shoot up inste of its top ..
giving you are bush insted of a tree .. tho that might be to late :D J/K


Thanks Slipon, Some great advice, i will be re-potting tomorrow with a nice big pot, some perlite and check the ph levels in the soil too. Im not too sure if its flowering it has lots of white hairs everywhere but to me its just getting taller and gangely. My friend (female) cut quite a bit off to top it but it just kept stretching taller?? would it be flowering yet im in uk and its mid july but havent had too many full sunny days, when would it flower and for how long does it flower for? will let you know how re-pot goes, thanks


Well-Known Member
You should have repotted it a month a go, also get it out of the greenhouse ,the lack of sun is giving you the stretched branches and wont be enough light for flowering.


HI Buds, Thanks for advice, I cant take it out of the greenhouse there is nowhere else for me to put it. Do you think she wont flower? we havnt had much sun round here lately..Ive just repotted into a larger pot, I thought it would be ok in the pot before, but when i moved her into the greenhouse she went mad.. what else could i do to help her? its too heavy for me to move now its in a bigger pot. ill post pics later after it as perked up. ;)