Not used to this high


Hey everyone! Kinda new to RIU, been surfin though the forums just checkin it out.

I'm considering starting my own grow as well, not sure where to start or what all I will use yet, but I am going to look more into it once I have a better location to grow.

Anyways, so I'm posting to ask a question about the high that I am getting from some new buds I just bought.

The stuff I normally get is schwagg, I don't claim to know a whole lot about pot, but it's usually brown/light green, and full of seeds, usually looks like it was probably bricked. There's also some other stuff I get every now and again that's much more green and fluffy. Both get me super high, and it's usually a head high. Everything moves really slowly, I get 'tracers' is what my friend calls it, where when an object moves in front of you, you can see a trail follow behind it.

It gets me really light headed and I feel like I'm floating and things become funny. I dunno how else to explain it since I'm not that use to describing the effects that I feel from smoking.

Anyways, this new stuff I got, a friend told me it was some real good kb, and so I was like hell yeah, and I bought a quarter. Real loose, nice green looking buds. Smells awesome, a real dank smell. I'll try to get pictures up later, but yeah, anyways...

I feel that the high from this new bud is nowhere near as intense, I feel slightly lightheaded sometimes, but I have to smoke much more to get it. Most of the high I can feel on my body, like my body is lifting, etc. But the mind racing thoughts and colors and fun patterns aren't there in my head with this high. It is very relaxing though, and I do enjoy it, but it's not as fun.

Why is this high different? What kind of buds are these that do not produce the strong head high?


Well-Known Member
these are called the indica strain. those get you the stoney couch lock high. you are probably smoking sativa :peace:


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU

id give (someone elses) left nut to get trippy baked of regular weed like you. either you are building up immunities or the good KB you got is prematurely harvested, and falls into the beasters grade, dose it smell like hay?


I'd say it smells kinda earthy, not like hay though. I've read alot about how some strains smell like bubblegum and blueberry and stuff like that, but I have trouble putting a name to what this smells like. I am taking pictures now to show you all, and I will go and read on the differences between indica and sativa. I've heard of the two but never really looked into the differences.


Well-Known Member
i just told you. the buds that dont give a head high are called indica. indica gives a stoney high man. sativa is a head high. or its premature bud, some beasters, like my other dawg said


Well-Known Member
the e are the eyes, they little hole on top are the eyes the the curved line is your drooped out stoner underlines you know?



I have another picture, the first one I tried to post. Said I had to have a mod approve it before it was posted or something like that. If it isn't posted by sometime tonight I will repost it. It's a picture of all of my bud, these are just single shots.

I think I might like sativa more then. I am going to try to go buy some bud from a few friends of mine so I can get a good head high when I want, and keep this stuff around to get stoned every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
that looks quite nice, dont know why it wouldnt get you high, other than you are getting some tolerance


Haha thanks guys for the help. Turns out I suppose I just didn't realize the huge difference between Indica and Sativa. I went out yesterday and bought a half oz of what the guy called 'Fire Corn'. Looked like the reg schwagg stuff I normally get, but when I blazed up last night I got that awesome head high again.

The other stuff is good, but it's not always what I would like to enjoy, and from what I've read about the two, many people prefer Sativa, I can understand why though ^.^

Thanks again everyone.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Haha thanks guys for the help. Turns out I suppose I just didn't realize the huge difference between Indica and Sativa. I went out yesterday and bought a half oz of what the guy called 'Fire Corn'. Looked like the reg schwagg stuff I normally get, but when I blazed up last night I got that awesome head high again.

The other stuff is good, but it's not always what I would like to enjoy, and from what I've read about the two, many people prefer Sativa, I can understand why though ^.^

Thanks again everyone.
I thought in the indica vs sativa thread that more people like indica...I do. Sativa`s don`t hit like that Indica`s do for me.


I dunno, I was reading The Cannabible and Cannabis Cultivation at my bookstore yesterday after I had first posted this and was suggested to read about the differences. Says that more people enjoy the head high of sativa then the stone body high of indica.

As for whatever Indy I got from my friend, it is pretty good, but it just freaked me out when it wasn't 'normal', ya know?


Active Member
well if im remebering correctly theres something like 14 differant kinds of natural THC, all with differant strengths effects, durations.

and seriously though i would love tracers from brickweed. my tolerance hasnt been that low since i was 14-15.