Not that it matters now


Active Member
So say a person was well into a good four and a half weeks flowering, things are looking great, and as you was working on you room with lights on, you accidentally leave a 13w cool white in the overhead light on. Remembering bout 6 hours into the dark cycle, and getting it shut off. What damage have I done? I'm just starting to get trichs for the last week, so there pretty far along. Gonna delay my flowering for about a week?
Like I said doesn't matter too much now, the damage is done, but would like to hear some comment of experiance in this error.


i've done it! more then once and never had any issues, an overhead 60w was on over night. just don't let it continue to happen.


Active Member
well, I did it about a month ago too, so.. But like you said, I don't think it'll have issues here either, just need to be more careful. Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Done this a few times, and my plant is farther along into flowering than yours is.
Perfectly fine, nothing will happen.... just don't let it become a habit or else she will throw out some balls.


Well-Known Member
I had a light leak during my last grow, and I think it effected one strain of the bagseed I was growing. The buds never filled out like they did the first time,(these were 2nd generation clones) and they were very 'fluffy'. Like i said, I'm not sure if it was caused by light leaks, but, the calyx's didn't swell like they should've, and it took over 2 weeks longer to mature.

So, just like everybody else careful. :wink:


Active Member
I took the overhead light out of my room. Simply unscrewed it. If the switch gets flipped accidently there's no bulb.


I've since done the same thing, unscrew the bulb but just enough so the bulb doesn't work, if i do need it for some reason i can screw it back in.


Well-Known Member
A light bulb contains at lot less light than the sun bouncing of the moon which plants are exsposed too 24/7


Well-Known Member
your girls will be fine. don't sweat it....just try not to let it happen again, lol. :-) I'm sure they'll grow up to be beautiful flowers, buddy!!!