Not sure When to harvest?? 11 1/2 old AUTO PURPLE (pics inside)


Well-Known Member

This is My auto purple 11 1/2 week old AUTO PURPLE in a 1 gallon DWC res, the breeder says 10 weeks to finish i started to flush about week 9 cause i was starting to see some deficiency, I made a thread on here someone reconmend to flush so i flushed.
I was planing to to chop down at week 10 but i seen some white pistles all over the plant so i figured i can flush for 2 weeks and be good, but now my AP is at 11 weeks i have alot of yellowing leaves, some died off so i plucked some off i want to chop but i still see white pistles, I have a small magnifiying glass but i can't see if the thricomes are amber OR not but most of them if not all of them are milky and filled in.
Now i can't get a picture of the back cause the plant may sink the netpot into the dwc, the bitch is heavy, but i see some white pistles in the back, I'm still not sure when to harvest!
HELP ME GUYS!! should i harvest now or keep flushing and waiting ???


Well-Known Member
^all I really needed was one person to agree with me, I'm also thinking about doing a staggered harvest cause I have some fat bottom colas that need a few more days of light an I' think they will be fat enough to cut


Active Member
Good job brother,I have a pineapple express auto thats due to come down any day too.Happy tokeing:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ohh I can't wait to smoke her, I'm going for a jar cure so i'm going to dry for 3-4 days once the stems are Bend-y an not snapping like a slim Jim, jar cure & burp for about two weeks then I'm going to smoke her


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, will a staggered harvest yield better bottom buds? I know they won't be much bigger but will leaving them a bit longer make them a better smoke, I can't really find a lot on staggered harvest just wondering if it would help especially since it's a CFL grow
Agree with above, hang the whole girl up, could take a week on the line. Soon too as I see some browning leaf tips which are kind of annoying in your carefully finished product. Looks great, enjoy your work.


Well-Known Member
Agree with above, hang the whole girl up, could take a week on the line. Soon too as I see some browning leaf tips which are kind of annoying in your carefully finished product. Looks great, enjoy your work.
a lot of the brown leaves are fan leaves and small leaves with little to no thricomes I've been flushing since week 9, I'll take a picture of the beds before or little bit after I manicure the FUCK out of them!


Active Member
You could stagger the harvest,but if I were you Id be worried I was leaving her too long.She looks good now man,as done as shes gonna be without over-doing it,you know?Let me know your yield please?!Good luck,toke on:joint:


Well-Known Member
It was best I harvested now because I checked the roots an about a small amount of them where like a burgundy color, and the main cola I opened it up to see what I think was mold so I'm drying this cola in a separate area from the rest, I decided to cut the separate nugs off the steam and cut whatever I thought look like mold out and left the buds chilling on top of a little dry net I made in a pinch.

I also brought bubble bags so I can make hash out of the trimmings and small buds that look un-smokeable, would making hash out of moldy bud, give me moldy hash if I decide to use them at all?