Not sure what's going on. But worried.

Hello fellow growers first off I'd like to thank you for coming to help me out. I have had my plants for 44 days now and have had no 20160327_114638.jpg problems, other then some small minor problems but were easy to fix. But with this I'm not sure it started this morning and it's been only on maybe 4-5 of my top leaves but only really bad like the picture on 2 of them. The other leaves have had no sign yet. Also I have 2 other plants in the same hydro system that have had no signs what so ever. Please help I just don't want to see all my hard work be wasted.


Well-Known Member
Did you spill any nutrient solution on them? Looks similar to toxicity burns but the color of the leaf seams to healthy to be toxicity.
Did you spill any nutrient solution on them? Looks similar to toxicity burns but the color of the leaf seams to healthy to be toxicity.
I don't believe that any nutes was spilled. Mainly because it was at the top of the plant where that's showing, but I know I am always careful with my nutients. Thank you for replying though. If you have any other theories please let me know.

Chillin chillin

Well-Known Member
Defiantly a cooked leaf due to being close to the light. If you look these tips had same issue til I fixed it.
I'm speaking on experience. Besides if you read what he said its the top of the plant where it's showing. Top of my plants is the light