I did know I had soft wafer just not to the whole house including the outside. When I had my first run I didn't know the whole house including the outside hose was running soft water I just assumed it was the inside of the house appliances and so on that were running it. Mistake made lessons learned I guess.
Most RO systems can run 1:1 for waste water and you are better off getting a low-flo RO filter as they last longer if run steady so if you can scrounge up a storage container and put a float valve on it you can have lots of water at hand when you need it.

I have a water softener here that I bypass and figure on using the 150L brine tank for storage. The previous owner used potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride as it won't hurt plants and the potassium is good for the garden outside. Set it up on a platform high enough for a 5gal water jug to fit underneath and put a tap near the bottom like the one on my PolarBear distiller. I want the 8gal/day one and I'll build my own system for around $200-$300. We already filter our water to 5 micron and that's what the commercial ones come with. I'll have a 1 micron first with a 0.5 micron carbon filter then the RO filter and a de-ionizer filter at the end. Need to sell the distiller to get the cash for the RO parts. They are $3000 new so should get enough to fix me up once I clean up the distiller.