not sure what strain, but looks good.



I say this is more sativa than everything else :) Also she is looking nice. I however don't know where you live and I therefore have no idea when it will start flowering and then budding - but it didn't even start preflowering yet as I see. Therefore, in my opinion if you would top / FIM it, it could increase your yield by a bit. Tallness relies on genetics, amount of sunlight and topping, so it is impossible to say :)

Hope I hepled ya a lil bit.
yeah im in North Carolina, and i am a beginner... and i have never topped a plant before so i will need very very good directions =) =)


Here you have a guide how to FIM (I wanted to do this method but it seems I have to next year, my plants are too old for more cutting) - with this you can't screw it up :)

If there goes topping, just cut the "top" of the plant where the new baby leaves grow, about 0,5cm under it.

As for when your plants will start to flower... I had a nice link with daytime-light counter but cant find it now... will try to find it back :)

edit: here it is ! :) just find out your latitude and when the number of daylight hours is 12 - that will be the day, when they will start to flower
so what would you do?? i mean the easiest way cuz i am a beigginer, let it keep growing and get big or top it?? if i top it will it produce bud faster than not topping it? lol i just dont know that much about toppping thats why i am asking all these ??'s


No problem man, that's why this forum is here for and I'm glad to help :)

When I was a beginner, I was too afraid to top the plants, and when I wanted,they were too old. So I am not wondering why you hesitate to do so. If you top the plant it "slices" the stem in half so instead of one "top bud" you will have two, and I would say that it would be easier for you to just top it, and then watch how the plant grows and learn from it. Your plant is still in vegetative stage and she is young, so I wouldn't be against topping it :)

edit: oh and one IMPORTANT thing - top/fim/cut them in the night, never during the day. The plant always gets a small shock due to hormone recomposition and it's best to top her when she's just "resting" instead when she's processing sunlight into growth and O2 :)


you can either use a razor blade or you can just "pinch it off" with your index finger and thumb - it will help the plant with "sealing the wound" :)
ok well i do believe that i am going to top it, if not today i will tomorrow.. i will have pics up as soon as i do it so you can tell me what you think


Hahaaa hell yeah man! you did good! :) Congratulations on your first top!!! :)

And if I am not mistaken - I see a pair of pistils there so it seems it's a girl and she just started to preflower :)