not sure the problem


this is my first time, im growing afghan kush and im about 2 weeks into it. im using FFOF with some perlite added in a big pot and im using a 400watt MH about 17" above it on a 20/4 schedule, the humity is usually low between 30-45% so i spray it as much as i can, and temp is usually a little over 80 but can go up to 85 if i dont leave the door open enough, i only watered it like 2 or 3 times so far once with rain water and i spray and watered after that with spring water

anyways the leaves dont point up like they once did and its getting yellowish even has what looks like burns spots on the leaves, what could be the problem?

ok pics added



Well-Known Member
Pics are a big help, will be hard otherwise. I grow with cfl's, so no expert with MH, but 17 inches might be too far away.


Active Member
no your light is fine optimal hight above your plant with a 400 w is 18 inches i would like to see pics but its prob. too much water and also are you misting the leaves with the light on because the water drops act just like a magnifier and burns the leaves


Well-Known Member
the spots on the leaves are from you misting the plant. dont do that. the only water she needs should be poured on her soil. also, make sure that your using water with a ph level no higher than 6.5...


thanks for the advise ill stop misting, also i plan on getting a better pH tester mine is a crappy soil master stick in the soil kind for like $3 at lowes, any advice on which testers/where to buy?


Well-Known Member
i don't know much about testers, but you might consider strips/drops - they are cheap($5) and accurate
use them to check the water going in and out(outflow)


ok so its been a long time since I posted this and things are looking mostly up.. turns out the problem was my rain water, Ive been keeping the pH up since i figured this out.

-end of week 4 or sometime in week 5 of flowering
-2 feet tall, 2 feet wide, untrimmed
-slight nute burn or deficiency on most of the leaf tips (probably from pH being too low)
-seems to have stopped growing up just buds getting fatter and more crystally
-trichomes are still mostly clear yet some of the parts I have looked at look like up to 50% cloudy
-got anx today and clipped a bud from the top of a lower branch, vaped some and got about as high or maybe a little more than from the same quantity of the standard middle of nowhere brick weed (after it was dryed and shrunk 1st by the vape on a lower heat)
-also have the rest of that bud hanging up to dry to try in like a week
-has a distinct strong fruity smell like nothing i have smelled before (closest i can think of is papaya the fruit) and a little weedy/skunky when brushed up against

anyways i have been using fox farms peace of mind fruit and flower and planning the last feeding the next time i water figuring i only have about 2-4 weeks left?
also i have been using fox farms big bloom about 3/4 of the waterings, try to keep the water pH about 7 maybe a little higher since it always seems to be around the low 6's on the runoff (water color is blue when it 1st runs through but then if I water it some more and test again its yellow-yellowish green.
im keeping the humidity between 30-45 most of the time exept slightly higher when 1st watered and the top of the plant temp around 80-83 F and the bottom of the plant around 73-78
i have switched to a 400watt hps since my light cycle change and keep it about 18" from the bulb

anyways ill upload some pics and more info if anybody is interested or if anybody thinks they can give me some help or pointers

thanks to anybody that can help out after all being my 1st grow i have already exceeded my expectations :blsmoke: