Not sure if this is a problem


Well-Known Member
I know sativas are notorious for dropping leaves leaves during flower but this seems excessive to me for the 3rd week..

I also notice some little brown spots on some of the lower leaves. (this is only on a couple leaves not all over) No bugs, I've checked and checked and checked. I do have fungus gnats and springtails. I believe the airborne fungus gnats are well under control.

Soil PH is 6.5, Temps 78high, 67low.. Good airflow in and out.


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I bet the fungus gnats larvae are in the soil and eating your roots. Just a guess, but if you are seeing them flying you probably have them in the soil.

Next time put about 1-2" of sharp sand on top of your soil so they won't be able to lay their eggs.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Be sure to check out the half life on that stuff, you don't want to be ingesting it. Make sure it isn't absorb by the plant and it isn't in it when you harvest.

Use the sharp sand next time, it does the trick for fungus gnats and a few others. It's cheap and won't harm you.


Well-Known Member
just throw a layer of clay pebbles or coco ontop of your soil , gnats wont lay eggs onto eithor and the eggs that are already on the soil will suffocate ... cheap n easy ...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Remember coco is deadly to animals so keep away from your pets.
just throw a layer of clay pebbles or coco ontop of your soil , gnats wont lay eggs onto eithor and the eggs that are already on the soil will suffocate ... cheap n easy ...


Well-Known Member
Remember coco is deadly to animals so keep away from your pets.
No kidding? I'm not going to worry about the gnats this run, they are still doing good and I've caught 95% of the flyers. I've been told by a few experienced people that gnats wont hurt things so much that your plants suffers during flower, but I will definitely take preventative steps on my next run because I do like Ocean Forest and I don't want gnats again.

I'm going to dose a little N and see what happens. I will still yeild plenty dank :)

Grow mo

Active Member
just throw a layer of clay pebbles or coco ontop of your soil , gnats wont lay eggs onto eithor and the eggs that are already on the soil will suffocate ... cheap n easy ...
easier said than done. fungus gnats blow

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
You know those spots that appear in your lawn? They're from Japanese beetles and in their 2 year under ground life cycle they come up to the roots of the grass and just munch away. You can go over and take hold of the grass and put it up with your hands. The grass is under extreme stress same here.

Believe what you will, I hope you make it all the way to a good harvest. It's almost too late now anyway. I'd still treat the plants. Those little critters are still there and they are eating your roots. Less roots below ground, less plant above ground, it's just common sense. The buds will not be full and firm, imo Hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
They yellowing can be from lack of light getting to the inside, or nitrogen. WW gots a point with the fungas knats tho, I am currently having those dots on my plants and im using Coco and I see the odd fungas knat fly around

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
And sativas like to drop leaves in flower. But the taletell sign is the fungus gnats flying around they are in the soil, no doubt. It's a harvest race with the gnats larvae. Once again I'd treat and stop the damage.


Well-Known Member
I treated with a 1/4 part solution of h2o2 and h2o. :) Just for you WW :) Well actually just to be on the safe side. I'll treat again in another week for safe measure.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Thank you. Next crop use sharp sand to about 1to 2" the sharp edges of the sand keeps them from depositing their eggs into the soil below. The egg has to be in moist soil to incubate and 2" should be the deepest they can go.
I treated with a 1/4 part solution of h2o2 and h2o. :) Just for you WW :) Well actually just to be on the safe side. I'll treat again in another week for safe measure.