Not sure if this is a problem or not?


I am about 3 weeks into flowering and my plants fan leaves seem like the are standing at attention. They are pointing straight up. nothing looks wrong with the plant budding is just beginning. There is plenty of light 1000 w hps in a flood and drain system. Am i over worried or is this ok. Thanks for any imput:peace:


Active Member
Was told a long time ago that you can tell how much light they are getting by the way they hold their leaves-- straight up means they are reaching for light .... straight out means they are just right.. drooping means too much/too warm (or water issues!)
How far away is your 1000w???
Is it air-cooled?


I am tight on headroom so they are about six inches from light. The light is air cooled. I cant think there is a lack of light seeing how close they are. Also i am not seeing any light burn. Thanks


Active Member
from what you describe I actually believe their in optimum condition :)

They probably feel a little firm too.


yeah they are slightly firm, i just dont want to throw off flowering if there is a problem. The nugs are dime and quarter size. ph and ppm are in check thanks


Active Member
I would try and maintain that standing to attention for the duration :)
Most likely they will start bulking out nicely in the coming weeks.

I've always experienced this "standing to attention" (never could find a decent word for it but know exactly what you mean) as the optimum state of growth/flowering given the current conditions and water/nutes available.

The plant is stretching to the light, pores full open, imo full throttle !!