Not sure if next week is going to be the week I flip

Kratky works for short-duration, light-feeding plants like leaf lettuce which is done in ~40 days from seed.

It's not a good choice for cannabis
I find that abit weird because u can grow tomatoes in them and beans almost anything really you just need to know how to top up the reservoir but I have mine in a big bucket started it off in a small one and for now it's doing pritty good had not one problem to be honest I'm going to flip it with all my other plants and see anyway how she does to the finish line


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Nope works for me is actually doing really well
indeed. kratky has a youtube channel, he makes it super easy to understand. If you half ass it, it won't work. You need to replicate his methods, and it is super important to make sure the roots are just sitting above the pea gravel in the bottom of the netpot, water just touching the pea gravel from below. Most people end up drowning their plant by putting the roots directly int he water. They need to grow air roots to drink, water roots to get food. People drown their plants thinking kratky is done that way, it is not.
indeed. kratky has a youtube channel, he makes it super easy to understand. If you half ass it, it won't work. You need to replicate his methods, and it is super important to make sure the roots are just sitting above the pea gravel in the bottom of the netpot, water just touching the pea gravel from below. Most people end up drowning their plant by putting the roots directly int he water. They need to grow air roots to drink, water roots to get food. People drown their plants thinking kratky is done that way, it is not.
I might add that what I said above is for starting them out. let them drink down until there's only a few inches of nutrients on the bottom and set your level there for the rest of the grow. There's plenty of ways to start them out, all depending on whether or not there's long roots already hanging out of the pot or if you're just starting a clone. Shit I put a tomato cutting in a gatorade jug and jimmy rigged a foam puck and put the stem in the nutrients and forgot about it. I never tended it once and it was a fresh cutting. It grew so big I had to transplant it. It's big. The think with ANY METHOD OF GROWING is you need to do it correctly, half-assing anything is no recipe for success.