Not sure if my girls will make it


Hey guys/girls. I recently took 12 rooted clones (9 sour blue cookies, 3 SFV og) that were in grodan cubes and put them into 3 gal pots with 70% coco 30% (im using the Titan flo&gro) under 1-600 watt MH air cooled light. Its been 3 days and 3 clones (2 are the SFV) just arent doing good at all. Theyve had 2 small feedings, 1/4 strength AN nutes, ph 6.6, since being put in the coco. Besides those 3 my other plantw are doing pretty good.

In wondering if these 3 clones are past the point of saving or should I wait for them to perk up? Temps are hovering around 71° and RH is 30-40%.

Any help is appreciated.

Sorry I cant upload pics right now. I will as soon as I can.


Well-Known Member
Get your ph down, you are at the max of what it should be.

How did the roots look when your transplanted?

They look weak so wondering if it's roots not strong and taking.

When you put them in did you use enough water in the medium for the roots to spread out and soak a little?


Active Member
Roots looked like this20161118_002000.jpg

I put the same nute solution they had been getting in the cloner (clonex in distilled water) into the medium to help ease the transition.

Ill make surethe ph gets down. should it be closer to 6.0 range?


Well-Known Member
5.5-6.5 for PH sweet spot depends on the plant so play with the range a bit when adding nutes and see how they respond different.

I would put that back for a couple more days and let them poke through and little bit more, make sure you get decent saturation off the bat so the soils blend, but not to drown. shouldn't be getting much or any run off when you water initially either


Personally I would give those babies a much more gentle start. I would wait for twice as many roots to show before potting them. I would put them in a solo cup or small pot of coco so the medium can dry out faster and aerate the roots better. You will waste a ton of nutes keeping that giant pot wet way before the roots even reach the edges. I would not give them any nutes the first watering, just a rooting stimulant like Canna Rhyzotonic or equivalent, then a light feeding of nutes the after two days or so. 6.6 is way too high btw 5.8 or 6.0 is about right for starting most strains. A 600 watt Mh is a super intense light, I would put them under something much more gentle until they are least 8 inches tall and have a healthy root system. I think the light was the biggest issue. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.