not sure if male or female plant


this is my first time growing and ive looked around at pics of male and female plants and ive been told about if theres little football shaped flowers that its a male but this plant has like little bulbs close togeather and like stuck to the main stem but im not sure if this is a male can somone tell me ????



Well-Known Member
its not a male, Cud be a hermi tho. Those luk like seeds to me, I think yu shud leave it if its your only 1.


Active Member
its not a male, Cud be a hermi tho. Those luk like seeds to me, I think yu shud leave it if its your only 1.
Upon closer review (using iPhone when I'm here), I think you may be onto something. Males dont usually go that spread out. Least not the ones I see due to culling right away. Got any clearer picture OP? Kinda hard to tell but in the blur it kinda looks like some hairs are present.


Well-Known Member
if it's not seeds in it, it's hermi, cause it's got both male and female parts, or it's a female that's been pollinated. Aclearer pic of the crotch of the top node would be able to tell better. But it's definitly not a straight male, I see white hairs in there


Well-Known Member
gotta love those crotch shots
yeah baby
unless it's sportin some junk like this one
then, not so much


Well-Known Member
What I see is a pollinated female. Look for male flower stems, or even spent male flowers above.

Is there any chance there's a male, nearby?

If so, the seeds have value. If not, not. Toss em in the garbage disposal.