Not sure if i've over cooked it? Can anyone help, PLEASE.


Hi there, New to this site, seems very informative but I can't find the answer to my problem.
I'm making the 3rd lot of butter, the 1st. 2 went without hitch. The problem I have with this one is that I think Ive overcooked it. It was on the lowest heat ever but the water all evaporated and it all went black in the bottom of the pan. It doesn't smell burnt, just black. After straining whats left I'm left with this oily substance which looks like a dark thick olive oil which doesn't set. This has no smell at all.
Can anyone tell me if this is usable or is it a trip back to matey boy to get some more?
All answers are appreciated.
Hello, I am new to this site as well.
Altough I have never tried making Cannabutter, I think I may be able to help with your question.

The boiling point of THC is about 200 C, and the vaporization point is about about 250 C. At this point, the THC is turned into a very thin smoke, which contains only pure THC without the actual leaves burning.
My guess is you left it boiling for too long or it got too hot and you vaporized all your buds.


Made some muffins with the butter. Were better tasting than the other two times I made butter andf ucked me up all afternoon. Must have caught the butter just as all the water had evaporated. The flame was so low the watet didnt even boil. Just dried up. I made a weed compot;) RESULT.