Not sure if I can do this!

Hey guys, so I'm in desperate need of some help. This is my first grow and maybe I'm overthinking it but I'm really worried I might mess up the only seeds and soil I have. So instead of germinating in a solo cup or paper towel, etc. I was stupid and planted directly into my 3 gallon Smart Pots. My pots are set up with Kind soil on the bottom and promix HP on top.

My question is, how much water do I give the seeds? I moistened before planting and added about a cup later on that same night about 8 hours later. It seems to me the soil is drying out very quickly but as I'm new I still have no concept of how much too little/much actually is. I really don't want my substrate to dry out as I was told that will kill my seeds and too much water would accomplish the same thing. So is slightly damp soil what I'm looking for? or more moist? And how much water is too much for my seed?

Sorry for overthinking I'm just really nervous and I should have chosen a germination method that wouldn't have been so wasteful if I failed. Because as it is, if this germ fails I have to buy more seeds and kind soil which would probably run me `$100 any help is appreciated. Temp is 82, humidity 52%

I potted them around 4 PM yesterday. Only went about half an inch and lightly covered the seed with soil. I didn't compact any of the soil in my pots it's all lightly placed in there with the edges shaken a bit.


Well-Known Member
It can take up to 1-2 days. You could put some cling film or something over the top of the pot to keep the moisture in. Most people pot into smaller size to begin with (unless they're using autos) and then place a sandwich bag over the top. You don't want to keep watering it, not only can it kill the seed but it could cause it to sink to deep to be able to find its way out the soil.

The soil should of been saturated then left to sit for a day or two before you put them in, by then it should of been moist and that should of been enough for the first week or so.

There are so many tutorials out there you should of looked before you started.
I'm using autoflowering seeds that's why I potted directly into my 3 gals. I know there are a lot of things I SHOULD have done, next time. I saturated my pots before putting the seed in and the only water i've given was from a water bottle with a couple holes poked in the top to moisten the soil.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't be drying out that much if you saturated it. Your original post says you moistened it. If it is really dry then you would be better getting something to mist/spray the soil with instead of pouring the water on. You got the lights on now? If so, what light is it?
Yea I think I'm just overthinking it, I'm just not used to feeling the soil for how much water it has/doesn't have. It clumps up and sticks to my fingers. And yeah I have the lights on I have a CMH at 75% from 400w. So around 300w. Should I have my fans on right now as well? Because I've got my exhaust and oscillating right now.


Well-Known Member
That might be why it's drying up? How close are they to the pots? You don't really need it on until they push through.


Well-Known Member
It can take up to 1-2 days. You could put some cling film or something over the top of the pot to keep the moisture in. Most people pot into smaller size to begin with (unless they're using autos) and then place a sandwich bag over the top. You don't want to keep watering it, not only can it kill the seed but it could cause it to sink to deep to be able to find its way out the soil.

The soil should of been saturated then left to sit for a day or two before you put them in, by then it should of been moist and that should of been enough for the first week or so.

There are so many tutorials out there you should of looked before you started.
And remove that cling wrap when the seedling emerges. Damping off kills quickly.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I'm in desperate need of some help. This is my first grow and maybe I'm overthinking it but I'm really worried I might mess up the only seeds and soil I have. So instead of germinating in a solo cup or paper towel, etc. I was stupid and planted directly into my 3 gallon Smart Pots. My pots are set up with Kind soil on the bottom and promix HP on top.

My question is, how much water do I give the seeds? I moistened before planting and added about a cup later on that same night about 8 hours later. It seems to me the soil is drying out very quickly but as I'm new I still have no concept of how much too little/much actually is. I really don't want my substrate to dry out as I was told that will kill my seeds and too much water would accomplish the same thing. So is slightly damp soil what I'm looking for? or more moist? And how much water is too much for my seed?

Sorry for overthinking I'm just really nervous and I should have chosen a germination method that wouldn't have been so wasteful if I failed. Because as it is, if this germ fails I have to buy more seeds and kind soil which would probably run me `$100 any help is appreciated. Temp is 82, humidity 52%

Lady, the seeds fall to earth with wild pot or hemp. Just drive through Nebraska. It's hemp but they bust you for pot if you stop and chop. So don't. You will be good it will just take longer. Do not keep the medium wet. Just moist! You CAN do this.


Well-Known Member
Its OK.

I planted straight to 7.5 gallon pots. They don't need water. I went like a month before they needed water. I doubt you will go that long because smart pot and 3 gallon. It is still OK for a while.

I have never been a fan of using domes or covering seeds.


Well-Known Member
If they are drying out you can take turkey pans, put the smart pots in them, and about an inch of water. This will cause the soil below the seeds to dampen which will lessen the mechanical effect of wicking which is drawing moisture away from the top (areas of high concentration go to low concentration). Your RH it Ok for now, I run 73 temps.. Any reason your at 82? This is ok again just not ideal


Active Member
Best advice I can give you is this. You did the right thing planting seed straight into soil. Now water in that small area where the seed is once and WAIT. Do not rewater that small area around the seed again for 3 days, then wait another three. The biggest thing I've learned is that the watering rythem is key. You have to always be trying to water well, and wait as long as you can for it to use all that water. Learn to pick up pot after you water and feel the weight of the pot full, then the weight 2 days later when SOME water is dried up, it'll maybe half full of water. Then wait another couple of days later when its dry and READY to water again. The whole purpose it to force the roots to develop and seek out the last bits of water. The drought period encourages this. It also keeps the roots from rotting from too much moisture and promotes healthy roots and the little feelers that branch off of them to support nutrient uptake. As soon as you see the sprout get a light on it 24/7. And a gentle breeze INDIRECTLY causing it to sway and move occaisionally, that will help make the soil dry out a little faster too. Give your seed extra time to sprout... 1/2" is a little deep, 1/4" is reccomended, so it may take a little longer to break the surface.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard babe. Just for piece of mind, I'll put a few ML's of H2O out of a pipette on my seeds/seedlings right where they are planted. Like every day. It's not enough to drown them and I honestly don't know if it's necessary. But it puts me at ease from worrying.


Well-Known Member
Best advice I can give you is this. You did the right thing planting seed straight into soil. Now water in that small area where the seed is once and WAIT. Do not rewater that small area around the seed again for 3 days, then wait another three. The biggest thing I've learned is that the watering rythem is key. You have to always be trying to water well, and wait as long as you can for it to use all that water. Learn to pick up pot after you water and feel the weight of the pot full, then the weight 2 days later when SOME water is dried up, it'll maybe half full of water. Then wait another couple of days later when its dry and READY to water again. The whole purpose it to force the roots to develop and seek out the last bits of water. The drought period encourages this. It also keeps the roots from rotting from too much moisture and promotes healthy roots and the little feelers that branch off of them to support nutrient uptake. As soon as you see the sprout get a light on it 24/7. And a gentle breeze INDIRECTLY causing it to sway and move occaisionally, that will help make the soil dry out a little faster too. Give your seed extra time to sprout... 1/2" is a little deep, 1/4" is reccomended, so it may take a little longer to break the surface.
What he said...Personally I have never seen God come down and place a seed in some rockwool. I keep it natural.


Well-Known Member
Lady, the seeds fall to earth with wild pot or hemp. Just drive through Nebraska. It's hemp but they bust you for pot if you stop and chop. So don't. You will be good it will just take longer. Do not keep the medium wet. Just moist! You CAN do this.
About 6 or 7 years ago it finally dawned on me. Back in the day about 20-35 years ago, when sinsemilla was a rare find in my area and all you could get was seedy Mex commercial, I probably threw thousands of seeds away. I wish I had just tossed em in like ditches and secluded places where I would fish and hike. Let them have a chance. Now imagine if we all had done that how the plants some would have carried on and seeded. And we would have weed growing in spots all over the place. Heck it's just a plant. Doesn't need a grower. Just a chance.


Active Member
Planting auto's directly into there finishing pot is usually a good thing as transplanting can easily stunt there growth. Like the other guys have said id wrap with cling film and wait for them to sprout then look up some info on seedling care (there is pleanty of forums on this site)
Good luck man
Cool, thanks for everyone's help, I really appreciate it and I think I've got everything figured out at the moment I'm happy to say except for one thing. I've got my exhaust fan and passive intake open, should my oscillating fan be on before they sprout? Or turn it on when they pop out?