not quite sure what it is still/ PICS


Active Member
run off from the drainage holes?? and no i've never checked it and i now started to water from the bottom of the pot. and the ph of my water and soil is at 7 if my ph meter is right
If you haven't done so already, you should invest in a good digital PH meter that will run you about $80. The cheaper meters are almost always off by crazy amounts and should not be trusted.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
lots of growers go there hole lives without digital meters just by what the plant is telling them through signs


Well-Known Member
so just making sure your telling me starting now. just water with ph water for i couple of waterings?? and than start the nutes up SLOWLY. am i right


Active Member
lots of growers go there hole lives without digital meters just by what the plant is telling them through signs
And lots of new growers dont make it to harvest because they trust their ~$20 meter tells them the ph is 7 when it is really 8 or more..