Not quite sure, I think I have a combo of problems..picss...helpppp lol


The little nute burns spots on the edge( thats what they look like)
the leaves are yellowing, with the yellow coming from the tips inward i believe, the veins are still green. which is mag. def i believe
but then, my stems are redish purple at the top of the plant, and my leaves are getting yellow with little brown spots like theyre dying or something.

I am 4 weeks into flowering and I have 4 CFL 42 watt bulbs, mirrors all around and a nice fan that blows a strong breeze around the mirror setup, never directly on the plant. but very good circulation.
I have shultz top soil with a little bit of egg shell treatment i added 2 days ago to raise the ph. I almost know the shake n feed has lowered my ph. I do not have money for a few days to go get a meter. Are there symtoms to show a nute lockout?
I just bought pennington 6-10-10 for blooming and I plan on giving it some in the morning, its like little pebble type things.

I have used basically no nutes up until these, I started in miracle grow organic choice and repotted into this big dog about a week ago with the shultz and perlite mix.

I dont know what to think anymore....see if you can sift through my ADHD and weed riddled facts about my plant and try to help me! haha
I do set my fishtank water out for 2 days before I give it to the plant and Is from a 55 gal tank with 15 larger fish I have had for a long time.
Under fert? ( I have not given any nutes since a light shake n feed session the first week of flower.)
I have been giving the plant molasses( brer rabbit unsulfated) for the last 2 weeks( 1 tblspoon per gallon) one of my 2 waterings a week.
Over fert?
phosphorus def.?
mag def?
temp changing to dramatic between day and night? ( prob. between 65 and 60 at night and 70 to 75 at times in the day.



Active Member
no worries.

basicly you have just light fert burn, little flush, cut back, and they should be fine. check the ph of ur water runoff.

u should try and keep it warmer at night, but a 10degree temp change in thatrange wont do much adamage


that's reassuring man, i was starting to worry the more yellow they got...

but they seem rather droopy like they've been over watered right?


By the way, I would be about as useful as tits on a bull if I didnt have roll it up...
you guys kick ass man... right on for real!
Ill post an update in liek 2 days to let you know what happened


I have 3 mirrors and I keep them at 90 degree angles exactly and there is mylar behind all the mirrors and white paint behind the mylar lol. the mirrors actually refract WAYYY better than white paint...I know because I've tried all three options and mirrors are by far the best way to go if you can get them.


Yeah I came to look this morning and a LOT more leaves were yellowed but they seemed to be all the smaller ones that never get much light. I plucked all the ones that were obviously dead, and now the plant has some leaves standing back up and its starting to smell good again. the last week it hasnt smelled at all really. I also put a tid bit of hydrogen peroxide in my watering this morning.

What kind of household things can I use to raise the ph...? eggshells are a little slow. should I crush some up and soak them in warm water or something?? use the water? I think that should work.


nothing at all? What Kind of PH meter do I need to buy, I think they have ones for fish tanks at wallyworld will those work?