not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

Well if you were a little bit more opened minded, perhaps you'd spend a few minutes doing a google search:

"It has been hypothesized that the principal psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the causative agent in CHS [3]. THC has been shown to cause delayed gastric emptying and thermoregulatory disturbances via action on the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) in the enteric plexus and central nervous system, respectively [5]. Chronic stimulation of the CB1 receptors may result in the development of the gastrointestinal and thermodysregulation symptoms in sensitive patients [6], though more research needs to be conducted to further elucidate what factors may predispose certain patients."

Just because you don't have symptoms, doesn't mean others don't. If you'd just said, "more research would be helpful", and left it at that, nobody would disagree with you. To claim the diagnose is complete B.S. is about as useful as ... well you know what.

Actually someone else claimed it was complete BS, I just responded with evidence as to why it might be, and left MY overriding conclusion as "More research is needed, until then I am unconvinced", which is why I chose to bolden the sections of my quoted material that said just that, and people still did disagree with me. And I read the quote you posted from the article, it doesn't really offer an actual explanation other than to just formalize and specify their original assessment based on their one patient. Also I don't know if you followed the rabbit hole at all but the source(s) they quote as having "hypothesized that the principal psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the causative agent in CHS [3]. THC has been shown to cause delayed gastric emptying and thermoregulatory disturbances via action on the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) in the enteric plexus and central nervous system, respectively [5]" is just from the OTHER study of 98 patients, a study which includes the following line in discussing their results and their conclusion. "[of the 98 patients] Follow-up was available in only 10 patients (10%). Of those 10, 7 (70%) stopped using cannabis and 6 of these 7 (86%) noted complete resolution of their symptoms." The fact that that study is the source quoted as evidence for the quote you posted means their "hypothesis" about THC and CB1 detectors is again not based on actual chemistry and physiology, but is just their best guess as to what MAY (May also happens to be the word they use) cause it. This is not the kind of evidence I will accept as proof.
Hell yeah, that shit hurts like fuck!

Prob if I ate 3 healthy meals a day I would be good.

I eat like 1.

U should flush ur stomach liver kidneys and stuff.

Garlic ginger lemon.

And cinnamon tea to chase that shit cause drinking 3 lemons and 5-7 garlic and 4 tbsp of ginder is enough to get a sissy to puke.

The cinnamon will filter your system as well.

Throw in a 2 day fruit only diet to get all the toxins out.

5apples 3cups of berries and orange juice.

If u got an actual flu use more garlic and lemon.

Stay away from sugar in high quantities.

Flush that whatever bacteria is getting u ill out.
is there a flue going around where your stomach hurts like a mother fucker or is it just me ?
go organic, and add some probiotics to your diet, maybe. you're probably all better.......I should hope, but consider it anyway. the gut is our second brain, and if it is happy, so are we.
thanks, we are now back together ! It's now 10 years together...When you are with someone that long, it's hard to live without the other person I've found.
glad to hear that! Happy for you guys, for me it was a toxic environment that I didn't know better on (my first serious gf) but I couldn't be happier with my current lady! So in the end it was all for the better, just like the cliché saying....
My sister had suffered from cyclic vomiting syndrome for 15+ years. She's sought medical advise for her condition, had her gull bladder removed, spent thousands of dollars seeking relief from her condition.....nothing, all for not! She's been to seminars looking for answers, hours and hours of research on the subject....nothing. Then she discovered an article about the relation between marijuana use and cyclic vomiting syndrome. She was an every day user before, wake n bake to putting down the pipe just before she retired for the night.
She stopped smoking/using about 8 months ago and not 1 episode since. She's been vomit/sick free the whole time. She's never gone more than a few weeks without an episode in the past.
So Ace/BDOG it's not bullshit, it exists!

No I'm sorry, I'll still call bullshit and no offense to your sister, your post actually hits close to home. I am a CVS patient, my condition pre-dated any marijuana use, I've had this disease since I was a child and I have first hand knowledge with how the medical feild throws the CH diagnosis around. They're very quick to jump on CH, mention nausea and then make the mistake of disclosing that you used marijuana to fight the nausea, that's all the criteria they'll use to diagnose you. You know who makes this diagnosis most of the time? ER nurses and the best part is they'll openly admit to never reading the 16 some articles on the topic.

Who was your sister getting marijuana from? Did she have any idea of what products were going into the weed she was smoking?

These studies about CH are done by doctors with an agenda, on a plant that cannot be legally studied and completely disregards other factors which could cause someone to have these symptoms after smoking cannabis such as ingesting marijuana that was treated with Azamax.
These studies about CH are done by doctors with an agenda, on a plant that cannot be legally studied and completely disregards other factors which could cause someone to have these symptoms after smoking cannabis such as ingesting marijuana that was treated with Azamax.

OMG! And how long would Azamax cause those sorts of symptoms?
OMG! And how long would Azamax cause those sorts of symptoms?

Until you stopped ingesting Azadirachtin and it worked its way out of your system.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ ... 13, including 2 fatal, poisoning cases due to neem seed (margosa) oil, a traditional remedy in India and Malaysia, /were reported/. Five to ten milliliters of the oil given orally to children against minor ailments caused vomiting, drowsiness, tachypnea with acidotic respiration, and polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, and encephalopathy developed within hours of ingestion. Seizures, associated with coma, developed in some cases. Autopsy demonstrated pronounced fatty acid infiltration of the liver and proximal renal tubules, with mitochondrial damage, and cerebral edema, changes consistent with Reye's syndrome.

So yea, you guys are free to believe these doctors who have something to gain off coming up with Cannabis Hypermesis, which was completely unheard of until 2004 (how long does human use of cannabis date back?) saying that it only affects young people and is caused by today's super weed!

I'll continue to blame the chemicals people use on their bud.
Damn... So are there any signs of the poison before you ingest it?

Damn it.. now I am wondering what other things are used that make people sick? Damn.
Damn... So are there any signs of the poison before you ingest it?

Damn it.. now I am wondering what other things are used that make people sick? Damn.

I don't know of anything to look for that would tell you if the grower used a product with Azadirachtin in it. You'd have to know the grower and ask them or grow it yourself. Sorry you're all paranoid now, that's what happens when people start suggesting a still unexplainable, diagnosis like CH.
Not paranoid.. just decided I am not smoking anything else ever, unless I know the grower, or I get it from a Med shoppe... What fuckin morons would put Azadirachtin on a plant? fuckin moron.

Damn it.. where is my bong?

You know, seriously.. I am so beyond offended that anyone would do that... feels like I need to say "fuckin morons" a couple more times..

fuckin morons.
Not paranoid.. just decided I am not smoking anything else ever, unless I know the grower, or I get it from a Med shoppe... What fuckin morons would put Azadirachtin on a plant? fuckin moron.

Damn it.. where is my bong?

You know, seriously.. I am so beyond offended that anyone would do that... feels like I need to say "fuckin morons" a couple more times..

fuckin morons.

Azadirachtin is actually approved for organic growing. Neem oil is natural, it just happens that ingesting it can cause the same symptoms as what they attribute to Cannabis Hypermesis.
CHS is 100% real. If you do not believe so, you are wrong and think your are right, so there really is no telling you otherwise. It is incredibly rare but I assure you I have it. Chronic smoking led me to wake up every morning with nausea and vomiting after about 5 years of smoking every day. Countless tests came up negative and I continued to smoke getting sicker. After stopping smoking, I was completely better in about a week. Smoking even a little bit sends me right back into the cycle. For those who would like to learn (not the strength of IGNORANT stoners) it has been speculated that your body is eventually desensitized to THC as a partial agonist if you have certain genetic predispositions. In my opinion this is the most likely scenario. The most important information moving forward in figuring out how CHS works, is finding out what happens to people after a complete detox, when they try to smoke again. If it takes another cumulative build up, it is most likely a toxicity/detoxification issue with metabolites. However, the recent literature suggests that even smoking once say, 2 years down the road brings about symptom onset. The only way that would be possible is if chronic use physically changed the way your body reacts to THC or other cannabinoids. I plan on attempting to smoke a few months down the road to see what kind of dosage is needed to bring back these effects. The endocannabinoid system is complex and I pray that I have only modified THC or other marijuana related cannabinoid pathways, instead of modifying my natural endocannabinoid system. I am not as familiar with the system as I would like though I am highly understanding of biological and medical processes. If anyone has CHS please post your experiences and your failures/successes with attempting to smoke after a detox period.
Side note: There is nothing we can do about people claiming BS on a rare health condition that almost kills the people who have it. I was unable to eat, drink water, regulate my body temp, etc. all things related to the endocannabinoid system. Then when I quit marijuana - I got better. Additionally, there are many people who describe exactly this. So, what do you have when a bunch of people experience the same thing, and they all have the same cure: EVIDENCE OF A MEDICAL CONDITION. When people discount it and blame it on the government, pharmaceutical companies, whoever they have unwarranted cynicism towards- you are literally making yourself look like the stereotypical paranoid clueless junkie. Get a life. Stop trolling. Let people spread sensible information.
haha KLITE this was my 2nd most reasonable conclusion. I had been drinking tap water for quite some time, and did stop drinking tap water during my recovery phase because I switched to gatorade to help me rehydrate. However, the marijuana cessation immediately (within a day or two) made me feel better. Additionally, I have been tested for every infection, virus, yadayadayada.. possible. Also, the timing of my attacks make it very unlikely that the water was the issue. The only consistency was I was smoking weed daily. I really don't even smoke terribly much either, only about a half gram or so a day. But I would like you to continue your thought, you seem sensible.

I am the biggest pot advocate there is, and would love to claim BS like everyone else, but I am no fool, and my observations of the coincidences are too blatant for me to ignore