1. Would a 911 operator telling him not to confront the youths have any bearing on his guilt or innocence? NO
2. Was there a corroborating witness for Zim's assertion that TM was beating the shit out of him on the ground? YES
cite the eyewitness in zimmermans case
3. Is a 17 year old telling you he's "going to get you" a far cry from actually ground & pounding you MMA style? YES
3 witnesses said the boy charged Roderick Scott. How many witness's testified martin initiated contact with Zimmerman? 0
4. Since the severity of Zim's wounds have been endlessly marginalized by supporters of TM as an indication he SHOULDN'T have feared for his life, were Scott's wounds more serious and life threatening? NO
So do you think there is a chance Zimmerman picked a fight with the wrong guy and pussed out and shot him when it wasn't going as expected?
In New York, the use of deadly physical force is not justified if the defendant is not in his or her dwelling and they have an opportunity to safely retreat from the situation. The New York Penal Law is similar to the law of Florida in terms of the onus of proof. A defendant need not prove a killing is justified and the jury must acquit unless they are satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the killing was
not justified.
This killing, however, was proven to have been justified.
The immediate and major differences were the preponderance of individuals involved, the nature of the undisputed criminal behavior of these outnumber individuals and the fact that this occurred at Scotts home.
He did not chase anyone down because of how they looked, or were dressed.
Had their been two additional clones of Trayvon Martin fighting George Zimmerman, there would have been little ambiguity in the shooting of Trayvon Martin. But in
no ways were these two cases similar, except in the fact that a young person was shot and killed.
SPREAD THE WORD! Racists are doing everything they can to convince others and themselves that their bigotry and hatred towards Trayvon Martin is anything but racism that they dare not even admit to themselves. Theyre going to have to go back to square one and look for a new poster child for their cause of supporting Zimmermans vigilantism. They will not find it in the case of Roderick Scott.