Not growing! Please help me figure this one out..


New Member
This is my first grow and the plant is at day 21 from surfacing the soil.

The strain is a Nirvana Northern Lights Auto and it is in Pro Mix Organic soil with 4 23W CFL (3x6500, 1X2700) in a 5 gallon pot. The lights are about 2-3 inches from the leaves. Temps get to about 78F and rh is between 40-50.

The first week it grew quickly like all the other journals I have been following but then it just stalled. Then the leaves started changing colors with dark spots and it just stunted.

I let the soil dry out before watering as well and have only watered it 2-3 times since planting it. I am using regular tap water which I have not checked the ph of.

All help is appreciated!!




New Member
It's on a 18/6 light cycle in a plastic pot... the room is a 2'X2'X4' in a closet with pc fan venting the air out and another fan inside the cabinet for circulation.... 4 23w CFL's about 2 inches from the top...


Well-Known Member

New growth looks ok..Just a guess Id say the soil was alittle too hot,Stunting growth.Might check PH of water.


New Member
also the tips of the new growth also seem to be starting to yellow a bit... what can cause this?

thanks for all the help so far!

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Scrap the Tap water. Go to the store and buy a jug of RO water. Lots of places out there have units outside you can fill your own empty gallon jugs for like 25 cents. Or at least a big jug of purified. Tap has chlorine and who knows what else in it.

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
And check the PH of tap if you must use it. Should be close to 7 but you want to be sure. My well water comes out at 8 which is great for humans but I gotta lower it some for plants. I started off using RO water but then in desperation I had to add well water a few times and I don't know what is in it but my plants liked it. So I use a mix of water. I still use RO first month or so. and only use RO water to foliar feed but I use well water through my flowering.


Active Member
No it wont effect the plant. If it was flowering i wouldnt suggest change light times that dramatic. Also your soil might be to hot. Are you giving it nutes?


New Member
ok awesome info... thanks guys!

I'll try the RO water and pick up some ph strips... I just expected it to be a bit bigger than that for 3 weeks and the bottom leaves scared me as well...


Well-Known Member
I'd use bottled spring water rather than RO.

RO had zero minerals, spring water, depending on the brand, has a variety of minerals, all beneficial.


Well-Known Member
Burnt leaf tips is a sign the soil is hot.At the stage of your plant.
I dont recc RO water for Soil grows,Tap has some things your plant needs.
I would check the PPM and the PH of the tap.Then consider what to do.


Well-Known Member
wy would yu not recommend ro water for soil grows.bottle quality water vs salts,chlorine ,high ph,lol.


New Member
So I am now at 31 days today with this baby and it looks like its got some pistals coming out... does this mean this is the only budsite for this plant?

It looks too small for a plant at 31 days and should be done in 5-7 weeks according to breeder... also the tips are starting to yellow on the older leaves as well... I have pHed the water and the runoff is about 6.4-6.8 in soil... what am I doing wrong here?


Well-Known Member
Well I guess the whole plant is the bud site? I joke, but that plant is super small, what kind of light and how far away again?


Active Member
I'd guess definitely over watering. They advise to grow autos in the final pot size which is ok but you have to remember the roots are not mature enough to drink a lot of water and autos also like it relatively dry. Even if the top two inches are dry, it will still be wet at the bottom. Get yourself a moisture meter, it is the easiest way to check the moisture throughout the whole pot and they are not expensive.


Active Member
Hi. Your pictures look like those describing phosphorous deficiency. Also it reads but doesn't look exactly like the description given by a nitrogen deficiency.
If the new growth has chlorophyll but the old growth does not, I would think that some nutrient of some kind is lacking. If you add some nutrients and don't see improvement, try changing the distance to the light.

What kind of light is that again?