Not feeling anything from edibles. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Im a new dispensary patient and wanted to try some edibles except they dont seem to be working for me. The first edible i bought was a single serving gummy that was 20mg of thc. The bud tender recommended for me to cut it in half being my first edible so thats what i did. After two hours of taking the first half i took the second half. Several more hours went by, nothing. Now on to a new day i bought a 5 pack of more gummies that are 2:1 99.95mg of thc to 206.61mg of cbd ratio of the entire pack. I ate 3 of those which would be roughly 60mg of thc to 123mg of cbd. Several hours later still nothing. Im a newbie when it comes to edibles so I dont know if they just werent good quality or if i just have a much higher tolerance? I smoke and use vape cartridges daily so there might be a tolerance from that but whats a typical edible dose for most folks? Does the high cbd content in my gummies take away from the thc effect?
Some folks just can't get there. Me included. I've read it's a lack of some enzymes or some such thing in our guts...but since research has been so stifled over the years....who knows?

It's a pisser. Would be a great way to dose........
Me too, I can't get anything from eating it. Make sure that the THC and CBD were heated up to decarboxylating levels, I think around 240-250F for an hour or so. More precise info is on Google if your interested. Unsure of the temp for CBD though.
We're trying to figure it out my friend. It's like many other drugs. Some folks can ingest far more or get totally different effects from the same substance as others do. Do some reading. It is well documented that a small fraction of the population cannot break down/transpose the THC into their blood system via ingestion and it is not as easy as just ingesting "any good edible" or we'd be making some fuckin kick ass sweets to eat right now. o_O
Edibles are funny in that everyone reacts differently to them. Two people the same size, weight, and age can have completely different reactions to the same exact dose. You may be one of those people who, for whatever reasons, needs a much higher dose. FWIW, through trial and error, I discovered that 25mg is my optimal dose. But I have a friend who doesn't feel a thing with a 100mg dose.

One thing to be aware of: CBD counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC. So if you're going for a good buzz, try an edible with NO CBD.

Also, edibles will work better on an empty stomach. And in my experience anyway, eating fatty food any time around an edible will delay and dilute the effects of the edible.
My last attempt was 3 - 165mg each chocolate/coconut treats made from properly decarb'd bubble hash. They are so full-of-hash wicked tasting strong they are a bitch/not enjoyable to even ingest.

The rest of that batch have been in the freezer for months. I'll likely chuck 'em cus I'm not interested in eating more of them...and nobody else I know (who all eat 10-20mg) could eat them and still be coherent. Certainly not something I want to be responsible for...LOL. Thanks for the tips/comments all.
Try some of my edibles or rso and call me tomorrow when you sober up. I have n extremely high tolerance. A pea sized portion of my rso literally kicked my ass! Never in 25yrs+ has my arms ever twitched, or I not been able to see the buttons on my cable box remote.
Look up 11-hydroxy-thc and how your digestive track and liver produces it from thc, the amount of enzymes present that break down thc depends on the individual.

Or you could have just gotten cheated or had a bad batch ect.. 60mg would floor me for a third of my entire day lol
Im a new dispensary patient and wanted to try some edibles except they dont seem to be working for me. The first edible i bought was a single serving gummy that was 20mg of thc. The bud tender recommended for me to cut it in half being my first edible so thats what i did. After two hours of taking the first half i took the second half. Several more hours went by, nothing. Now on to a new day i bought a 5 pack of more gummies that are 2:1 99.95mg of thc to 206.61mg of cbd ratio of the entire pack. I ate 3 of those which would be roughly 60mg of thc to 123mg of cbd. Several hours later still nothing. Im a newbie when it comes to edibles so I dont know if they just werent good quality or if i just have a much higher tolerance? I smoke and use vape cartridges daily so there might be a tolerance from that but whats a typical edible dose for most folks? Does the high cbd content in my gummies take away from the thc effect?
Ahh edibles are tricky, You need alot of weed to get high with it. I would say half a gram 0.50 but To get realy high I would go 1.2g or 1.4g to get really high. Beware though going to tale 1 hour plus to kick in.
Well this is perfect - haven't received my med card yet but I was really hoping to go the edible route. Really not looking forward to smoking joints again at my age : ) Then again I could end up enjoying them just as much as the first time around. I'm just leary about smoking out on the deck and my idiot neighbor calling it in or my house wreaking of weed when my 1 yr old granddaughter comes to visit.
Ahh edibles are tricky, You need alot of weed to get high with it. I would say half a gram 0.50 but To get realy high I would go 1.2g or 1.4g to get really high. Beware though going to tale 1 hour plus to kick in.

The tricky part about edibles is that everyone processes them differently, and you really have to experiment on yourself a bit to find the dose that works for you. What you describe is exactly what applies to you, but you can't automatically apply your experience to anyone else. The OP may overdose on the doses you describe, or may not feel a thing.
Im a new dispensary patient and wanted to try some edibles except they dont seem to be working for me. The first edible i bought was a single serving gummy that was 20mg of thc. The bud tender recommended for me to cut it in half being my first edible so thats what i did. After two hours of taking the first half i took the second half. Several more hours went by, nothing. Now on to a new day i bought a 5 pack of more gummies that are 2:1 99.95mg of thc to 206.61mg of cbd ratio of the entire pack. I ate 3 of those which would be roughly 60mg of thc to 123mg of cbd. Several hours later still nothing. Im a newbie when it comes to edibles so I dont know if they just werent good quality or if i just have a much higher tolerance? I smoke and use vape cartridges daily so there might be a tolerance from that but whats a typical edible dose for most folks? Does the high cbd content in my gummies take away from the thc effect?

Try to see if you can get something made with Canna Oil or Canna Butter. Gummies and Candies are usually made with concentrates.

Start with a low dose. Next time you can try to up it slightly, and so on.

Remember.... "I don't feel it" is better than "I feel like I'm dieting".

Believe me.... "My tolerance is TOO HIGH" is NEVER an issue with good edibles. I've seen veterans try some extra strength edibles and be like..... damnnnn never again will I take that entire dosage at once. (Talking like 1500-2000mg edibles)
Try to see if you can get something made with Canna Oil or Canna Butter. Gummies and Candies are usually made with concentrates.

Start with a low dose. Next time you can try to up it slightly, and so on.

Remember.... "I don't feel it" is better than "I feel like I'm dieting".

Believe me.... "My tolerance is TOO HIGH" is NEVER an issue with good edibles. I've seen veterans try some extra strength edibles and be like..... damnnnn never again will I take that entire dosage at once. (Talking like 1500-2000mg edibles)
whoa!! 2000mg how much is that in grams?
I'm on the other end of the spectrum. My last batch of oil was 9 ounces of trim and old bud into 16 ounces of coconut oil. I use 1 to 1.5 ounces of that in a cake or muffin mix. Cut that into 16 pieces, and 1 will get me really high. But the way i actually use it is to eat about 1/4 of a slice, then smoke a couple three one hitters an hour or so later. It gets me so fucked up I have trouble working. {like now for instance. I have work that needs doing, and I'm on here killing time I don't have}
Some people just dont feel it while others do and some are really sensitive. But I will say there is more bunk edibles than good ones out there. I have found edibles made from distillate or concentrate to be the best. The ones that hit me the hardest were the soda's infused with distillate. I can eat 30-40mg of high quality and feel amazing, sometimes too much but a 10mg soda I had knocked me out. There is more factors that go on into how it effects you.

Eating distillate is a sure way to ensure you're going to get high and save $ in the long run. 1 gram distillate is around 750-900mg and costs from $25-40 on average. I rarely buy edibles anymore and go straight for 1gr distillate darts instead. Or make your own canna caps that are so convenient on the go or in a hurry.
Im a new dispensary patient and wanted to try some edibles except they dont seem to be working for me. The first edible i bought was a single serving gummy that was 20mg of thc. The bud tender recommended for me to cut it in half being my first edible so thats what i did. After two hours of taking the first half i took the second half. Several more hours went by, nothing. Now on to a new day i bought a 5 pack of more gummies that are 2:1 99.95mg of thc to 206.61mg of cbd ratio of the entire pack. I ate 3 of those which would be roughly 60mg of thc to 123mg of cbd. Several hours later still nothing. Im a newbie when it comes to edibles so I dont know if they just werent good quality or if i just have a much higher tolerance? I smoke and use vape cartridges daily so there might be a tolerance from that but whats a typical edible dose for most folks? Does the high cbd content in my gummies take away from the thc effect?